

JavaScript 支持
  1. allowJs,
  2. checkJs and
  3. maxNodeModuleJsDepth
  1. disableSizeLimit and
  2. plugins


    ¥Root Fields

    启动是 TSConfig 中的根选项 - 这些选项与你的 TypeScript 或 JavaScript 项目的设置方式有关。

    ¥Starting up are the root options in the TSConfig - these options relate to how your TypeScript or JavaScript project is set up.

    # 文件 - files


    ¥Specifies an allowlist of files to include in the program. An error occurs if any of the files can’t be found.

    "": [

    当你只有少量文件并且不需要使用 glob 来引用许多文件时,这很有用。如果你需要它,请使用 include

    ¥This is useful when you only have a small number of files and don’t need to use a glob to reference many files. If you need that then use include.

    # 扩展 - extends

    extends 的值是一个字符串,其中包含要继承的另一个配置文件的路径。路径可以使用 Node.js 样式解析。

    ¥The value of extends is a string which contains a path to another configuration file to inherit from. The path may use Node.js style resolution.


    ¥The configuration from the base file are loaded first, then overridden by those in the inheriting config file. All relative paths found in the configuration file will be resolved relative to the configuration file they originated in.

    值得注意的是,继承配置文件中的 filesincludeexclude 会覆盖基本配置文件中的 filesincludeexclude,并且不允许配置文件之间的循环。

    ¥It’s worth noting that files, include, and exclude from the inheriting config file overwrite those from the base config file, and that circularity between configuration files is not allowed.

    目前,唯一从继承中排除的顶层属性是 references

    ¥Currently, the only top-level property that is excluded from inheritance is references.





    "": "./configs/base",
    "": ["main.ts", "supplemental.ts"]


    "": "./tsconfig",


    ¥Properties with relative paths found in the configuration file, which aren’t excluded from inheritance, will be resolved relative to the configuration file they originated in.

    • 默认:


    • 版本:


    # 包括 - include

    指定要包含在程序中的文件名或模式数组。这些文件名是相对于包含 tsconfig.json 文件的目录解析的。

    ¥Specifies an array of filenames or patterns to include in the program. These filenames are resolved relative to the directory containing the tsconfig.json file.

    "include": ["src/**/*", "tests/**/*"]


    ¥Which would include:

    ├── scripts ⨯
    │ ├── lint.ts ⨯
    │ ├── update_deps.ts ⨯
    │ └── utils.ts ⨯
    ├── src ✓
    │ ├── client ✓
    │ │ ├── index.ts ✓
    │ │ └── utils.ts ✓
    │ ├── server ✓
    │ │ └── index.ts ✓
    ├── tests ✓
    │ ├── app.test.ts ✓
    │ ├── utils.ts ✓
    │ └── tests.d.ts ✓
    ├── package.json
    ├── tsconfig.json
    └── yarn.lock

    includeexclude 支持通配符来制作 glob 模式:

    ¥include and exclude support wildcard characters to make glob patterns:

    • * 匹配零个或多个字符(不包括目录分隔符)

      ¥* matches zero or more characters (excluding directory separators)

    • ? 匹配任何一个字符(不包括目录分隔符)

      ¥? matches any one character (excluding directory separators)

    • **/ 匹配嵌套到任何级别的任何目录

      ¥**/ matches any directory nested to any level

    如果模式中的最后一个路径段不包含文件扩展名或通配符,则将其视为目录,并包含该目录内具有受支持扩展名的文件(例如,默认情况下为 .ts.tsx.d.ts,如果 allowJs 设置为 true,则为 .js.jsx)。

    ¥If the last path segment in a pattern does not contain a file extension or wildcard character, then it is treated as a directory, and files with supported extensions inside that directory are included (e.g. .ts, .tsx, and .d.ts by default, with .js and .jsx if allowJs is set to true).

    # 排除 - exclude

    指定在解析 include 时应跳过的文件名或模式数组。

    ¥Specifies an array of filenames or patterns that should be skipped when resolving include.

    重要:exclude 仅更改由于 include 设置而包含的文件。由于代码中的 import 语句、types 包含、/// <reference 指令或在 files 列表中指定,exclude 指定的文件仍然可以成为代码库的一部分。

    ¥Important: exclude only changes which files are included as a result of the include setting. A file specified by exclude can still become part of your codebase due to an import statement in your code, a types inclusion, a /// <reference directive, or being specified in the files list.

    它不是一种防止文件被包含在代码库中的机制 - 它只是更改 include 设置找到的内容。

    ¥It is not a mechanism that prevents a file from being included in the codebase - it simply changes what the include setting finds.

    # 参考 - references

    项目引用是一种将 TypeScript 程序结构化为较小部分的方法。使用项目引用可以大大改善构建和编辑器交互时间,强制组件之间的逻辑分离,并以新的和改进的方式组织代码。

    ¥Project references are a way to structure your TypeScript programs into smaller pieces. Using Project References can greatly improve build and editor interaction times, enforce logical separation between components, and organize your code in new and improved ways.

    你可以在手册的 项目引用 部分中阅读有关引用如何工作的更多信息

    ¥You can read more about how references works in the Project References section of the handbook

    • 默认:



    ¥Compiler Options

    这些选项构成了 TypeScript 配置的大部分,它涵盖了语言的工作方式。

    ¥These options make up the bulk of TypeScript’s configuration and it covers how the language should work.


    # 允许无法访问的代码 - allowUnreachableCode



    • undefined(默认)向编辑者提供建议作为警告

      ¥undefined (default) provide suggestions as warnings to editors

    • true 无法访问的代码被忽略

      ¥true unreachable code is ignored

    • false 引发有关无法访问代码的编译器错误

      ¥false raises compiler errors about unreachable code

    这些警告仅与由于使用 JavaScript 语法而无法访问的代码有关,例如:

    ¥These warnings are only about code which is provably unreachable due to the use of JavaScript syntax, for example:

    function fn(n: number) {
    if (n > 5) {
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;
    return true;

    使用 "allowUnreachableCode": false

    ¥With "allowUnreachableCode": false:

    function fn(n: number) {
    if (n > 5) {
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;
    return true;
    Unreachable code detected.7027Unreachable code detected.


    ¥This does not affect errors on the basis of code which appears to be unreachable due to type analysis.

    # 允许未使用的标签 - allowUnusedLabels



    • undefined(默认)向编辑者提供建议作为警告

      ¥undefined (default) provide suggestions as warnings to editors

    • true 未使用的标签被忽略

      ¥true unused labels are ignored

    • false 引发有关未使用标签的编译器错误

      ¥false raises compiler errors about unused labels

    标签在 JavaScript 中非常罕见,通常表示尝试编写对象字面量:

    ¥Labels are very rare in JavaScript and typically indicate an attempt to write an object literal:

    function verifyAge(age: number) {
    // Forgot 'return' statement
    if (age > 18) {
    verified: true;
    Unused label.7028Unused label.

    # 始终严格 - alwaysStrict

    确保你的文件在 ECMAScript 严格模式下解析,并为每个源文件触发 “使用严格”。

    ¥Ensures that your files are parsed in the ECMAScript strict mode, and emit “use strict” for each source file.

    ECMAScript strict 模式是在 ES5 中引入的,它为 JavaScript 引擎的运行时提供了行为调整以提高性能,并使一组错误抛出而不是默默忽略它们。

    ¥ECMAScript strict mode was introduced in ES5 and provides behavior tweaks to the runtime of the JavaScript engine to improve performance, and makes a set of errors throw instead of silently ignoring them.

    # 精确可选属性类型 - exactOptionalPropertyTypes

    启用 exactOptionalPropertyTypes 后,TypeScript 将应用更严格的规则来处理具有 ? 前缀的 typeinterfaces 上的属性。

    ¥With exactOptionalPropertyTypes enabled, TypeScript applies stricter rules around how it handles properties on type or interfaces which have a ? prefix.

    例如,这个接口声明有一个属性可以是两个字符串之一:‘dark’ 或 ‘light’,否则它不应该在对象中。

    ¥For example, this interface declares that there is a property which can be one of two strings: ‘dark’ or ‘light’ or it should not be in the object.

    interface UserDefaults {
    // The absence of a value represents 'system'
    colorThemeOverride?: "dark" | "light";

    不启用此标志时,你可以将 colorThemeOverride 设置为三个值:“dark”、“light” 和 undefined

    ¥Without this flag enabled, there are three values which you can set colorThemeOverride to be: “dark”, “light” and undefined.

    将值设置为 undefined 将导致大多数 JavaScript 运行时检查是否存在失败,这实际上是错误的。但是,这并不完全准确;colorThemeOverride: undefined 与未定义的 colorThemeOverride 不同。例如,与未定义相比,"colorThemeOverride" in settingsundefined 作为键时的行为会有所不同。

    ¥Setting the value to undefined will allow most JavaScript runtime checks for the existence to fail, which is effectively falsy. However, this isn’t quite accurate; colorThemeOverride: undefined is not the same as colorThemeOverride not being defined. For example, "colorThemeOverride" in settings would have different behavior with undefined as the key compared to not being defined.

    exactOptionalPropertyTypes 使 TypeScript 真正强制执行作为可选属性提供的定义:

    ¥exactOptionalPropertyTypes makes TypeScript truly enforce the definition provided as an optional property:

    const settings = getUserSettings();
    settings.colorThemeOverride = "dark";
    settings.colorThemeOverride = "light";
    // But not:
    settings.colorThemeOverride = undefined;
    Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type '"dark" | "light"' with 'exactOptionalPropertyTypes: true'. Consider adding 'undefined' to the type of the target.2412Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type '"dark" | "light"' with 'exactOptionalPropertyTypes: true'. Consider adding 'undefined' to the type of the target.
    • 推荐
    • 版本:


    # Switch 中无 Fallthrough 情况 - noFallthroughCasesInSwitch

    报告 switch 语句中 fallthrough 情况的错误。确保 switch 语句中的任何非空情况都包含 breakreturnthrow。这意味着你不会意外发送 case fallthrough 错误。

    ¥Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statements. Ensures that any non-empty case inside a switch statement includes either break, return, or throw. This means you won’t accidentally ship a case fallthrough bug.

    const a: number = 6;
    switch (a) {
    case 0:
    Fallthrough case in switch.7029Fallthrough case in switch.
    case 1:

    # 无隐式 Any - noImplicitAny

    在某些情况下,如果没有类型注释,当 TypeScript 无法推断类型时,它将回退到变量的 any 类型。

    ¥In some cases where no type annotations are present, TypeScript will fall back to a type of any for a variable when it cannot infer the type.


    ¥This can cause some errors to be missed, for example:

    function fn(s) {
    // No error?

    打开 noImplicitAny 但是 TypeScript 会在推断 any 时触发错误:

    ¥Turning on noImplicitAny however TypeScript will issue an error whenever it would have inferred any:

    function fn(s) {
    Parameter 's' implicitly has an 'any' type.7006Parameter 's' implicitly has an 'any' type.
    • 推荐
    • 默认:

      true if strict; false otherwise.

    • 相关:

    # 无隐式覆盖 - noImplicitOverride

    使用使用继承的类时,子类可以在基类中重命名时使用其重载的函数获取 “不同步”。

    ¥When working with classes which use inheritance, it’s possible for a sub-class to get “out of sync” with the functions it overloads when they are renamed in the base class.


    ¥For example, imagine you are modeling a music album syncing system:

    class Album {
    download() {
    // Default behavior
    class SharedAlbum extends Album {
    download() {
    // Override to get info from many sources

    然后,当你添加对机器学习生成的播放列表的支持时,你可以重构 Album 类以改为使用 ‘setup’ 函数:

    ¥Then when you add support for machine-learning generated playlists, you refactor the Album class to have a ‘setup’ function instead:

    class Album {
    setup() {
    // Default behavior
    class MLAlbum extends Album {
    setup() {
    // Override to get info from algorithm
    class SharedAlbum extends Album {
    download() {
    // Override to get info from many sources

    在这种情况下,TypeScript 没有提供警告,SharedAlbum 上的 download 预计会覆盖基类中的函数。

    ¥In this case, TypeScript has provided no warning that download on SharedAlbum expected to override a function in the base class.

    使用 noImplicitOverride 可以确保子类永远不会不同步,方法是确保覆盖的函数包含关键字 override

    ¥Using noImplicitOverride you can ensure that the sub-classes never go out of sync, by ensuring that functions which override include the keyword override.

    以下示例启用了 noImplicitOverride,你可以看到缺少 override 时收到的错误:

    ¥The following example has noImplicitOverride enabled, and you can see the error received when override is missing:

    class Album {
    setup() {}
    class MLAlbum extends Album {
    override setup() {}
    class SharedAlbum extends Album {
    setup() {}
    This member must have an 'override' modifier because it overrides a member in the base class 'Album'.4114This member must have an 'override' modifier because it overrides a member in the base class 'Album'.

    # 无隐式返回 - noImplicitReturns

    启用后,TypeScript 将检查函数中的所有代码路径以确保它们返回值。

    ¥When enabled, TypeScript will check all code paths in a function to ensure they return a value.

    function lookupHeadphonesManufacturer(color: "blue" | "black"): string {
    Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.2366Function lacks ending return statement and return type does not include 'undefined'.
    if (color === "blue") {
    return "beats";
    } else {

    # 无隐式 This - noImplicitThis

    对具有隐含 ‘any’ 类型的 ‘this’ 表达式引发错误。

    ¥Raise error on ‘this’ expressions with an implied ‘any’ type.

    例如,下面的类返回一个尝试访问 this.widththis.height 的函数 - 但 getAreaFunction 内部函数中的 this 的上下文不是 Rectangle 的实例。

    ¥For example, the class below returns a function which tries to access this.width and this.height – but the context for this inside the function inside getAreaFunction is not the instance of the Rectangle.

    class Rectangle {
    width: number;
    height: number;
    constructor(width: number, height: number) {
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    getAreaFunction() {
    return function () {
    return this.width * this.height;
    'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation.
    'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation.
    'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation.
    'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation.

    # 无索引签名的属性访问 - noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature

    此设置可确保通过 “dot”(obj.key)语法和 “indexed”(obj["key"])访问字段与在类型中声明属性的方式之间的一致性。

    ¥This setting ensures consistency between accessing a field via the “dot” (obj.key) syntax, and “indexed” (obj["key"]) and the way which the property is declared in the type.

    不启用此标志时,TypeScript 将允许你使用点语法访问未定义的字段:

    ¥Without this flag, TypeScript will allow you to use the dot syntax to access fields which are not defined:

    interface GameSettings {
    // Known up-front properties
    speed: "fast" | "medium" | "slow";
    quality: "high" | "low";
    // Assume anything unknown to the interface
    // is a string.
    [key: string]: string;
    const settings = getSettings();
    (property) GameSettings.speed: "fast" | "medium" | "slow"
    (property) GameSettings.quality: "high" | "low"
    // Unknown key accessors are allowed on
    // this object, and are `string`
    (index) GameSettings[string]: string


    ¥Turning the flag on will raise an error because the unknown field uses dot syntax instead of indexed syntax.

    const settings = getSettings();
    // This would need to be settings["username"];
    Property 'username' comes from an index signature, so it must be accessed with ['username'].4111Property 'username' comes from an index signature, so it must be accessed with ['username'].
    (index) GameSettings[string]: string


    ¥The goal of this flag is to signal intent in your calling syntax about how certain you are this property exists.

    # 无未检查索引访问 - noUncheckedIndexedAccess

    TypeScript 有一种通过索引签名来描述具有未知键但已知值的对象的方法。

    ¥TypeScript has a way to describe objects which have unknown keys but known values on an object, via index signatures.

    interface EnvironmentVars {
    NAME: string;
    OS: string;
    // Unknown properties are covered by this index signature.
    [propName: string]: string;
    declare const env: EnvironmentVars;
    // Declared as existing
    const sysName = env.NAME;
    const os = env.OS;
    const os: string
    // Not declared, but because of the index
    // signature, then it is considered a string
    const nodeEnv = env.NODE_ENV;
    const nodeEnv: string

    打开 noUncheckedIndexedAccess 会将 undefined 添加到类型中任何未声明的字段。

    ¥Turning on noUncheckedIndexedAccess will add undefined to any un-declared field in the type.

    declare const env: EnvironmentVars;
    // Declared as existing
    const sysName = env.NAME;
    const os = env.OS;
    const os: string
    // Not declared, but because of the index
    // signature, then it is considered a string
    const nodeEnv = env.NODE_ENV;
    const nodeEnv: string | undefined

    # 无未使用的本地变量 - noUnusedLocals


    ¥Report errors on unused local variables.

    const createKeyboard = (modelID: number) => {
    const defaultModelID = 23;
    'defaultModelID' is declared but its value is never read.6133'defaultModelID' is declared but its value is never read.
    return { type: "keyboard", modelID };

    # 无未使用的参数 - noUnusedParameters


    ¥Report errors on unused parameters in functions.

    const createDefaultKeyboard = (modelID: number) => {
    'modelID' is declared but its value is never read.6133'modelID' is declared but its value is never read.
    const defaultModelID = 23;
    return { type: "keyboard", modelID: defaultModelID };

    # 严格 - strict

    strict 标志启用了广泛的类型检查行为,从而更有力地保证了程序的正确性。打开此功能相当于启用所有严格模式系列选项,如下所述。然后,你可以根据需要关闭单独的严格模式系列检查。

    ¥The strict flag enables a wide range of type checking behavior that results in stronger guarantees of program correctness. Turning this on is equivalent to enabling all of the strict mode family options, which are outlined below. You can then turn off individual strict mode family checks as needed.

    TypeScript 的未来版本可能会在此标志下引入额外的更严格的检查,因此 TypeScript 的升级可能会导致程序中出现新的类型错误。在适当且可能的情况下,将添加相应的标志以禁用该行为。

    ¥Future versions of TypeScript may introduce additional stricter checking under this flag, so upgrades of TypeScript might result in new type errors in your program. When appropriate and possible, a corresponding flag will be added to disable that behavior.

    # 严格绑定调用应用 - strictBindCallApply

    设置后,TypeScript 将检查函数 callbindapply 的内置方法是否使用底层函数的正确参数调用:

    ¥When set, TypeScript will check that the built-in methods of functions call, bind, and apply are invoked with correct argument for the underlying function:

    // With strictBindCallApply on
    function fn(x: string) {
    return parseInt(x);
    const n1 = fn.call(undefined, "10");
    const n2 = fn.call(undefined, false);
    Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.2345Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.

    否则,这些函数接受任何参数并返回 any

    ¥Otherwise, these functions accept any arguments and will return any:

    // With strictBindCallApply off
    function fn(x: string) {
    return parseInt(x);
    // Note: No error; return type is 'any'
    const n = fn.call(undefined, false);

    # strictBuiltinIteratorReturn - strictBuiltinIteratorReturn

    内置迭代器使用未定义的 TReturn 类型实例化,而不是 any

    ¥Built-in iterators are instantiated with a TReturn type of undefined instead of any.

    • 推荐
    • 默认:

      false, unless strict is set

    # 严格函数类型 - strictFunctionTypes


    ¥When enabled, this flag causes functions parameters to be checked more correctly.

    这是关闭 strictFunctionTypes 的基本示例:

    ¥Here’s a basic example with strictFunctionTypes off:

    function fn(x: string) {
    console.log("Hello, " + x.toLowerCase());
    type StringOrNumberFunc = (ns: string | number) => void;
    // Unsafe assignment
    let func: StringOrNumberFunc = fn;
    // Unsafe call - will crash

    启用 strictFunctionTypes 后,错误被正确检测到:

    ¥With strictFunctionTypes on, the error is correctly detected:

    function fn(x: string) {
    console.log("Hello, " + x.toLowerCase());
    type StringOrNumberFunc = (ns: string | number) => void;
    // Unsafe assignment is prevented
    let func: StringOrNumberFunc = fn;
    Type '(x: string) => void' is not assignable to type 'StringOrNumberFunc'. Types of parameters 'x' and 'ns' are incompatible. Type 'string | number' is not assignable to type 'string'. Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.2322Type '(x: string) => void' is not assignable to type 'StringOrNumberFunc'. Types of parameters 'x' and 'ns' are incompatible. Type 'string | number' is not assignable to type 'string'. Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

    在开发此功能的过程中,我们发现了大量本质上不安全的类层次结构,包括 DOM 中的一些。因此,该设置仅适用于以函数语法编写的函数,而不适用于以方法语法编写的函数:

    ¥During development of this feature, we discovered a large number of inherently unsafe class hierarchies, including some in the DOM. Because of this, the setting only applies to functions written in function syntax, not to those in method syntax:

    type Methodish = {
    func(x: string | number): void;
    function fn(x: string) {
    console.log("Hello, " + x.toLowerCase());
    // Ultimately an unsafe assignment, but not detected
    const m: Methodish = {
    func: fn,

    # 严格空检查 - strictNullChecks

    strictNullChecksfalse 时,语言会有效地忽略 nullundefined。这可能导致运行时出现意外错误。

    ¥When strictNullChecks is false, null and undefined are effectively ignored by the language. This can lead to unexpected errors at runtime.

    strictNullCheckstrue 时,nullundefined 具有各自不同的类型,如果你尝试在需要具体值的地方使用它们,你将收到类型错误。

    ¥When strictNullChecks is true, null and undefined have their own distinct types and you’ll get a type error if you try to use them where a concrete value is expected.

    例如,使用此 TypeScript 代码,users.find 无法保证它确实会找到用户,但你可以编写代码,就好像它会找到用户一样:

    ¥For example with this TypeScript code, users.find has no guarantee that it will actually find a user, but you can write code as though it will:

    declare const loggedInUsername: string;
    const users = [
    { name: "Oby", age: 12 },
    { name: "Heera", age: 32 },
    const loggedInUser = users.find((u) => u.name === loggedInUsername);

    strictNullChecks 设置为 true 将引发错误,表示你在尝试使用 loggedInUser 之前未保证其存在。

    ¥Setting strictNullChecks to true will raise an error that you have not made a guarantee that the loggedInUser exists before trying to use it.

    declare const loggedInUsername: string;
    const users = [
    { name: "Oby", age: 12 },
    { name: "Heera", age: 32 },
    const loggedInUser = users.find((u) => u.name === loggedInUsername);
    'loggedInUser' is possibly 'undefined'.18048'loggedInUser' is possibly 'undefined'.

    第二个示例失败了,因为数组的 find 函数看起来有点像这个简化:

    ¥The second example failed because the array’s find function looks a bit like this simplification:

    // When strictNullChecks: true
    type Array = {
    find(predicate: (value: any, index: number) => boolean): S | undefined;
    // When strictNullChecks: false the undefined is removed from the type system,
    // allowing you to write code which assumes it always found a result
    type Array = {
    find(predicate: (value: any, index: number) => boolean): S;

    # 严格属性初始化 - strictPropertyInitialization

    设置为 true 时,如果声明了类属性但未在构造函数中设置,则 TypeScript 会引发错误。

    ¥When set to true, TypeScript will raise an error when a class property was declared but not set in the constructor.

    class UserAccount {
    name: string;
    accountType = "user";
    email: string;
    Property 'email' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.2564Property 'email' has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor.
    address: string | undefined;
    constructor(name: string) {
    this.name = name;
    // Note that this.email is not set


    ¥In the above case:

    • this.name 是专门设置的。

      ¥this.name is set specifically.

    • this.accountType 默认设置。

      ¥this.accountType is set by default.

    • this.email 未设置并引发错误。

      ¥this.email is not set and raises an error.

    • this.address 被声明为潜在 undefined,这意味着它不必设置。

      ¥this.address is declared as potentially undefined which means it does not have to be set.

    # 在捕获变量中使用未知 - useUnknownInCatchVariables

    在 TypeScript 4.0 中,添加了支持以允许将 catch 子句中的变量类型从 any 更改为 unknown。允许如下代码:

    ¥In TypeScript 4.0, support was added to allow changing the type of the variable in a catch clause from any to unknown. Allowing for code like:

    try {
    // ...
    } catch (err: unknown) {
    // We have to verify err is an
    // error before using it as one.
    if (err instanceof Error) {

    此模式可确保错误处理代码变得更加全面,因为你无法提前保证抛出的对象是 Error 子类。启用标志 useUnknownInCatchVariables 后,你不需要额外的语法 (: unknown) 或 linter 规则来尝试强制执行此行为。

    ¥This pattern ensures that error handling code becomes more comprehensive because you cannot guarantee that the object being thrown is a Error subclass ahead of time. With the flag useUnknownInCatchVariables enabled, then you do not need the additional syntax (: unknown) nor a linter rule to try enforce this behavior.


    # 允许任意扩展 - allowArbitraryExtensions

    在 TypeScript 5.0 中,当导入路径以未知的 JavaScript 或 TypeScript 文件扩展名结尾时,编译器将以 {file basename}.d.{extension}.ts 的形式查找该路径的声明文件。例如,如果你在打包器项目中使用 CSS 加载器,则可能需要为这些样式表编写(或生成)声明文件:

    ¥In TypeScript 5.0, when an import path ends in an extension that isn’t a known JavaScript or TypeScript file extension, the compiler will look for a declaration file for that path in the form of {file basename}.d.{extension}.ts. For example, if you are using a CSS loader in a bundler project, you might want to write (or generate) declaration files for those stylesheets:

    /* app.css */
    .cookie-banner {
    display: none;
    // app.d.css.ts
    declare const css: {
    cookieBanner: string;
    export default css;
    // App.tsx
    import styles from "./app.css";
    styles.cookieBanner; // string

    默认情况下,此导入将引发错误,让你知道 TypeScript 不理解此文件类型,并且你的运行时可能不支持导入它。但是,如果你已配置运行时或打包程序来处理它,则可以使用新的 --allowArbitraryExtensions 编译器选项抑制错误。

    ¥By default, this import will raise an error to let you know that TypeScript doesn’t understand this file type and your runtime might not support importing it. But if you’ve configured your runtime or bundler to handle it, you can suppress the error with the new --allowArbitraryExtensions compiler option.

    请注意,从历史上看,通过添加名为 app.css.d.ts 而不是 app.d.css.ts 的声明文件通常可以实现类似的效果 - 但是,这仅通过 Node 的 CommonJS require 解析规则起作用。严格来说,前者被解释为名为 app.css.js 的 JavaScript 文件的声明文件。因为相对文件导入需要在 Node 的 ESM 支持中包含扩展,所以 TypeScript 会在 --moduleResolution node16nodenext 下的 ESM 文件中对我们的示例出错。

    ¥Note that historically, a similar effect has often been achievable by adding a declaration file named app.css.d.ts instead of app.d.css.ts - however, this just worked through Node’s require resolution rules for CommonJS. Strictly speaking, the former is interpreted as a declaration file for a JavaScript file named app.css.js. Because relative files imports need to include extensions in Node’s ESM support, TypeScript would error on our example in an ESM file under --moduleResolution node16 or nodenext.

    有关更多信息,请阅读 此功能的提议其对应的拉取请求

    ¥For more information, read up the proposal for this feature and its corresponding pull request.

      # 允许导入 TS 扩展 - allowImportingTsExtensions

      --allowImportingTsExtensions 允许 TypeScript 文件使用 TypeScript 特定的扩展(如 .ts.mts.tsx)相互导入。

      ¥--allowImportingTsExtensions allows TypeScript files to import each other with a TypeScript-specific extension like .ts, .mts, or .tsx.

      仅当启用 --noEmit--emitDeclarationOnly 时才允许使用此标志,因为这些导入路径在 JavaScript 输出文件中运行时无法解析。这里的期望是你的解析器(例如你的打包器、运行时或其他工具)将使 .ts 文件之间的这些导入工作。

      ¥This flag is only allowed when --noEmit or --emitDeclarationOnly is enabled, since these import paths would not be resolvable at runtime in JavaScript output files. The expectation here is that your resolver (e.g. your bundler, a runtime, or some other tool) is going to make these imports between .ts files work.

        # 允许 Umd 全局访问 - allowUmdGlobalAccess

        设置为 true 时,allowUmdGlobalAccess 允许你从模块文件内部以全局变量形式访问 UMD 导出。模块文件是具有导入和/或导出的文件。不启用此标志时,使用 UMD 模块的导出需要导入声明。

        ¥When set to true, allowUmdGlobalAccess lets you access UMD exports as globals from inside module files. A module file is a file that has imports and/or exports. Without this flag, using an export from a UMD module requires an import declaration.

        此标志的一个示例用例是一个 Web 项目,你知道特定的库(如 jQuery 或 Lodash)在运行时始终可用,但你无法通过导入访问它。

        ¥An example use case for this flag would be a web project where you know the particular library (like jQuery or Lodash) will always be available at runtime, but you can’t access it with an import.

        # 基本 URL - baseUrl


        ¥Sets a base directory from which to resolve bare specifier module names. For example, in the directory structure:

        ├── ex.ts
        ├── hello
        │ └── world.ts
        └── tsconfig.json

        使用 "baseUrl": "./" 后,TypeScript 将从与 tsconfig.json 相同的文件夹开始查找文件:

        ¥With "baseUrl": "./", TypeScript will look for files starting at the same folder as the tsconfig.json:

        import { helloWorld } from "hello/world";

        此解析比从 node_modules 查找具有更高的优先级。

        ¥This resolution has higher priority than lookups from node_modules.

        此功能设计用于与浏览器中的 AMD 模块加载器结合使用,不建议在任何其他情况下使用。从 TypeScript 4.1 开始,使用 paths 时不再需要设置 baseUrl

        ¥This feature was designed for use in conjunction with AMD module loaders in the browser, and is not recommended in any other context. As of TypeScript 4.1, baseUrl is no longer required to be set when using paths.

          # 自定义条件 - customConditions

          --customConditions 获取一个额外的 conditions 列表,当 TypeScript 从 package.jsonexportsimports 字段解析时,这些列表应该会成功。这些条件会添加到解析器默认使用的任何现有条件中。

          ¥--customConditions takes a list of additional conditions that should succeed when TypeScript resolves from an exports or imports field of a package.json. These conditions are added to whatever existing conditions a resolver will use by default.

          例如,当此字段在 tsconfig.json 中设置如下时:

          ¥For example, when this field is set in a tsconfig.json as so:

          "compilerOptions": {
          "target": "es2022",
          "moduleResolution": "bundler",
          "customConditions": ["my-condition"]

          任何时候在 package.json 中引用 exportsimports 字段,TypeScript 都会考虑称为 my-condition 的条件。

          ¥Any time an exports or imports field is referenced in package.json, TypeScript will consider conditions called my-condition.

          因此,从具有以下 package.json 的包导入时

          ¥So when importing from a package with the following package.json

          // ...
          "exports": {
          ".": {
          "my-condition": "./foo.mjs",
          "node": "./bar.mjs",
          "import": "./baz.mjs",
          "require": "./biz.mjs"

          TypeScript 将尝试查找与 foo.mjs 对应的文件。

          ¥TypeScript will try to look for files corresponding to foo.mjs.

          此字段仅在 --moduleResolutionnode16nodenextbundler 选项下有效。

          ¥This field is only valid under the node16, nodenext, and bundler options for --moduleResolution.

          # 模块 - module

          设置程序的模块系统。有关更多信息,请参阅 TypeScript module 选项背后的理论其参考页面。你很可能希望现代 Node.js 项目使用 "nodenext",而将要打包的代码使用 preserveesnext

          ¥Sets the module system for the program. See the theory behind TypeScript’s module option and its reference page for more information. You very likely want "nodenext" for modern Node.js projects and preserve or esnext for code that will be bundled.

          更改 module 会影响 moduleResolution也有参考页面

          ¥Changing module affects moduleResolution which also has a reference page.


          ¥Here’s some example output for this file:

          // @filename: index.ts
          import { valueOfPi } from "./constants";
          export const twoPi = valueOfPi * 2;


          "use strict";
          Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
          exports.twoPi = void 0;
          const constants_1 = require("./constants");
          exports.twoPi = constants_1.valueOfPi * 2;


          (function (factory) {
          if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
          var v = factory(require, exports);
          if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
          else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
          define(["require", "exports", "./constants"], factory);
          })(function (require, exports) {
          "use strict";
          Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
          exports.twoPi = void 0;
          const constants_1 = require("./constants");
          exports.twoPi = constants_1.valueOfPi * 2;


          define(["require", "exports", "./constants"], function (require, exports, constants_1) {
          "use strict";
          Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
          exports.twoPi = void 0;
          exports.twoPi = constants_1.valueOfPi * 2;


          System.register(["./constants"], function (exports_1, context_1) {
          "use strict";
          var constants_1, twoPi;
          var __moduleName = context_1 && context_1.id;
          return {
          setters: [
          function (constants_1_1) {
          constants_1 = constants_1_1;
          execute: function () {
          exports_1("twoPi", twoPi = constants_1.valueOfPi * 2);


          import { valueOfPi } from "./constants";
          export const twoPi = valueOfPi * 2;


          import { valueOfPi } from "./constants";
          export const twoPi = valueOfPi * 2;

          除了 ES2015/ES6 的基本功能外,ES2020 还增加了对 动态 importimport.meta 的支持,而 ES2022 进一步增加了对 顶层 await 的支持。

          ¥In addition to the base functionality of ES2015/ES6, ES2020 adds support for dynamic imports, and import.meta while ES2022 further adds support for top level await.


          从 4.7+ 开始可用,node16nodenext 模式与 Node 的 原生 ECMAScript 模块支持 集成。触发的 JavaScript 使用 CommonJSES2020 输 ​​ 出,具体取决于文件扩展名和最近的 package.jsontype 设置的值。模块解析也以不同的方式工作。你可以在 handbook模块参考 中了解更多信息。

          ¥Available from 4.7+, the node16 and nodenext modes integrate with Node’s native ECMAScript Module support. The emitted JavaScript uses either CommonJS or ES2020 output depending on the file extension and the value of the type setting in the nearest package.json. Module resolution also works differently. You can learn more in the handbook and Modules Reference.


          --module preserve(TypeScript 5.4 中的 added)中,在输入文件中编写的 ECMAScript 导入和导出将保留在输出中,并且 CommonJS 样式的 import x = require("...")export = ... 语句将作为 CommonJS requiremodule.exports 触发。换句话说,每个单独的导入或导出语句的格式都会被保留,而不是被强制转换为整个编译(甚至整个文件)的单一格式。

          ¥In --module preserve (added in TypeScript 5.4), ECMAScript imports and exports written in input files are preserved in the output, and CommonJS-style import x = require("...") and export = ... statements are emitted as CommonJS require and module.exports. In other words, the format of each individual import or export statement is preserved, rather than being coerced into a single format for the whole compilation (or even a whole file).

          import { valueOfPi } from "./constants";
          const constants = require("./constants");
          export const piSquared = valueOfPi * constants.valueOfPi;

          虽然很少需要在同一文件中混合导入和 require 调用,但这种 module 模式最好地反映了大多数现代打包器以及 Bun 运行时的功能。

          ¥While it’s rare to need to mix imports and require calls in the same file, this module mode best reflects the capabilities of most modern bundlers, as well as the Bun runtime.

          为什么要关心 TypeScript 使用打包器或 Bun 触发的 module,你可能还会设置 noEmit?TypeScript 的类型检查和模块解析行为受到其触发的模块格式的影响。设置 module 为 TypeScript 提供有关打包程序或运行时如何处理导入和导出的信息,这确保你在导入值上看到的类型准确反映运行时或打包后将发生的情况。

          ¥Why care about TypeScript’s module emit with a bundler or with Bun, where you’re likely also setting noEmit? TypeScript’s type checking and module resolution behavior are affected by the module format that it would emit. Setting module gives TypeScript information about how your bundler or runtime will process imports and exports, which ensures that the types you see on imported values accurately reflect what will happen at runtime or after bundling.


          "use strict";
          Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
          exports.twoPi = void 0;
          const constants_1 = require("./constants");
          exports.twoPi = constants_1.valueOfPi * 2;

          # 模块解析 - moduleResolution


          ¥Specify the module resolution strategy:

          • 适用于现代版本的 Node.js 的 'node16''nodenext'。Node.js v12 及更高版本支持 ECMAScript 导入和 CommonJS require,它们使用不同的算法进行解析。这些 moduleResolution 值与相应的 module 值结合使用时,会根据 Node.js 是否会在输出 JavaScript 代码中看到 importrequire 为每种解析选择正确的算法。

            ¥'node16' or 'nodenext' for modern versions of Node.js. Node.js v12 and later supports both ECMAScript imports and CommonJS require, which resolve using different algorithms. These moduleResolution values, when combined with the corresponding module values, picks the right algorithm for each resolution based on whether Node.js will see an import or require in the output JavaScript code.

          • 'node10'(以前称为 'node')适用于 v10 之前的 Node.js 版本,仅支持 CommonJS require。你可能不需要在现代代码中使用 node10

            ¥'node10' (previously called 'node') for Node.js versions older than v10, which only support CommonJS require. You probably won’t need to use node10 in modern code.

          • 'bundler' 用于打包器。与 node16nodenext 一样,此模式支持 package.json "imports""exports",但与 Node.js 解析模式不同,bundler 从不要求在导入的相对路径上使用文件扩展名。

            ¥'bundler' for use with bundlers. Like node16 and nodenext, this mode supports package.json "imports" and "exports", but unlike the Node.js resolution modes, bundler never requires file extensions on relative paths in imports.

          • 'classic' 在 1.6 发布之前在 TypeScript 中使用。不应使用 classic

            ¥'classic' was used in TypeScript before the release of 1.6. classic should not be used.

          有参考页面解释 TypeScript 模块解析背后的理论每个选项的详细信息

          ¥There are reference pages explaining the theory behind TypeScript’s module resolution and the details of each option.

          # 模块后缀 - moduleSuffixes


          ¥Provides a way to override the default list of file name suffixes to search when resolving a module.

          "": [".ios", ".native", ""]


          ¥Given the above configuration, an import like the following:

          import * as foo from "./foo";

          TypeScript 将查找相关文件 ./foo.ios.ts./foo.native.ts 和最后的 ./foo.ts

          ¥TypeScript will look for the relative files ./foo.ios.ts, ./foo.native.ts, and finally ./foo.ts.

          请注意 moduleSuffixes 中的空字符串 "",这是 TypeScript 查找 ./foo.ts 所必需的。

          ¥Note the empty string "" in moduleSuffixes which is necessary for TypeScript to also look-up ./foo.ts.

          此功能对于 React Native 项目很有用,其中每个目标平台都可以使用具有不同 moduleSuffixes 的单独 tsconfig.json。

          ¥This feature can be useful for React Native projects where each target platform can use a separate tsconfig.json with differing moduleSuffixes.

          # 无解析 - noResolve

          默认情况下,TypeScript 将检查 import<reference 指令的初始文件集,并将这些已解析的文件添加到你的程序中。

          ¥By default, TypeScript will examine the initial set of files for import and <reference directives and add these resolved files to your program.

          如果设置了 noResolve,则不会发生此过程。但是,仍会检查 import 语句以查看它们是否解析为有效模块,因此你需要确保通过其他方式满足这一点。

          ¥If noResolve is set, this process doesn’t happen. However, import statements are still checked to see if they resolve to a valid module, so you’ll need to make sure this is satisfied by some other means.

            # noUncheckedSideEffectImports - noUncheckedSideEffectImports

            在 JavaScript 中,可以 import 模块而无需实际从中导入任何值。

            ¥In JavaScript it’s possible to import a module without actually importing any values from it.

            import "some-module";

            这些导入通常被称为副作用导入,因为它们可以提供的唯一有用的行为是执行一些副作用(例如注册全局变量或向原型添加 polyfill)。

            ¥These imports are often called side effect imports because the only useful behavior they can provide is by executing some side effect (like registering a global variable, or adding a polyfill to a prototype).

            默认情况下,TypeScript 不会检查这些导入的有效性。如果导入解析为有效的源文件,TypeScript 将加载并检查该文件。如果未找到源文件,TypeScript 将默默忽略导入。

            ¥By default, TypeScript will not check these imports for validity. If the import resolves to a valid source file, TypeScript will load and check the file. If no source file is found, TypeScript will silently ignore the import.

            这是一种令人惊讶的行为,但它部分源于 JavaScript 生态系统中的建模模式。例如,此语法还已与打包器中的特殊加载器一起使用,以加载 CSS 或其他资源。你的打包器可能配置为你可以通过编写类似以下内容来包含特定的 .css 文件:

            ¥This is surprising behavior, but it partially stems from modeling patterns in the JavaScript ecosystem. For example, this syntax has also been used with special loaders in bundlers to load CSS or other assets. Your bundler might be configured in such a way where you can include specific .css files by writing something like the following:

            import "./button-component.css";
            export function Button() {
            // ...


            ¥Still, this masks potential typos on side effect imports.

            启用 --noUncheckedSideEffectImports 后,如果 TypeScript 找不到副作用导入的源文件,它将出错。

            ¥When --noUncheckedSideEffectImports is enabled, TypeScript will error if it can’t find a source file for a side effect import.

            import "oops-this-module-does-not-exist";
            // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
            // error: Cannot find module 'oops-this-module-does-not-exist' or its corresponding type declarations.

            启用此选项后,某些工作代码现在可能会收到错误,如上面的 CSS 示例。为了解决这个问题,只想为资源编写副作用 import 的用户可能最好通过编写带有通配符说明符的环境模块声明来提供服务。它将进入全局文件并看起来像下面这样:

            ¥When enabling this option, some working code may now receive an error, like in the CSS example above. To work around this, users who want to just write side effect imports for assets might be better served by writing what’s called an ambient module declaration with a wildcard specifier. It would go in a global file and look something like the following:

            // ./src/globals.d.ts
            // Recognize all CSS files as module imports.
            declare module "*.css" {}

            事实上,你的项目中可能已经有这样的文件了!例如,运行类似 vite init 的程序可能会创建类似的 vite-env.d.ts

            ¥In fact, you might already have a file like this in your project! For example, running something like vite init might create a similar vite-env.d.ts.

              # 路径 - paths

              一系列条目,如果设置,则将导入重新映射到相对于 baseUrl 的查找位置,否则映射到 tsconfig 文件本身。moduleResolution 参考页面 中对 paths 的覆盖范围更大。

              ¥A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the baseUrl if set, or to the tsconfig file itself otherwise. There is a larger coverage of paths in the moduleResolution reference page.

              paths 允许你声明 TypeScript 应如何解析 require/import 中的导入。

              ¥paths lets you declare how TypeScript should resolve an import in your require/imports.

              "": {
              "jquery": ["./vendor/jquery/dist/jquery"]

              这将使你能够编写 import "jquery",并在本地获取所有正确的类型。

              ¥This would allow you to be able to write import "jquery", and get all of the correct typing locally.

              "": {
              "app/*": ["./src/app/*"],
              "config/*": ["./src/app/_config/*"],
              "environment/*": ["./src/environments/*"],
              "shared/*": ["./src/app/_shared/*"],
              "helpers/*": ["./src/helpers/*"],
              "tests/*": ["./src/tests/*"]

              在这种情况下,你可以告诉 TypeScript 文件解析器支持多个自定义前缀来查找代码。

              ¥In this case, you can tell the TypeScript file resolver to support a number of custom prefixes to find code.

              请注意,此功能不会改变 tsc 触发导入路径的方式,因此 paths 应该仅用于通知 TypeScript 另一个工具具有此映射并将在运行时或打包时使用它。

              ¥Note that this feature does not change how import paths are emitted by tsc, so paths should only be used to inform TypeScript that another tool has this mapping and will use it at runtime or when bundling.

                # 解析 JSON 模块 - resolveJsonModule

                允许导入带有 .json 扩展名的模块,这是节点项目中的常见做法。这包括根据静态 JSON 形状为 import 生成类型。

                ¥Allows importing modules with a .json extension, which is a common practice in node projects. This includes generating a type for the import based on the static JSON shape.

                TypeScript 默认不支持解析 JSON 文件:

                ¥TypeScript does not support resolving JSON files by default:

                // @filename: settings.json
                "repo": "TypeScript",
                "dry": false,
                "debug": false
                // @filename: index.ts
                import settings from "./settings.json";
                Cannot find module './settings.json'. Consider using '--resolveJsonModule' to import module with '.json' extension.2732Cannot find module './settings.json'. Consider using '--resolveJsonModule' to import module with '.json' extension.
                settings.debug === true;
                settings.dry === 2;

                启用该选项允许导入 JSON,并验证该 JSON 文件中的类型。

                ¥Enabling the option allows importing JSON, and validating the types in that JSON file.

                // @filename: settings.json
                "repo": "TypeScript",
                "dry": false,
                "debug": false
                // @filename: index.ts
                import settings from "./settings.json";
                settings.debug === true;
                settings.dry === 2;
                This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types 'boolean' and 'number' have no overlap.2367This comparison appears to be unintentional because the types 'boolean' and 'number' have no overlap.

                  # 解析 package.json 导出 - resolvePackageJsonExports

                  如果 TypeScript 从 node_modules 中的包中读取,--resolvePackageJsonExports 会强制 TypeScript 咨询 package.json 文件的 exports 字段

                  ¥--resolvePackageJsonExports forces TypeScript to consult the exports field of package.json files if it ever reads from a package in node_modules.

                  对于 --moduleResolution,此选项在 node16nodenextbundler 选项下默认为 true

                  ¥This option defaults to true under the node16, nodenext, and bundler options for --moduleResolution.

                  # 解析 package.json 导入 - resolvePackageJsonImports

                  --resolvePackageJsonImports 强制 TypeScript 在从祖级目录包含 package.json 的文件中执行以 # 开头的查找时咨询 package.json 文件的 imports 字段

                  ¥--resolvePackageJsonImports forces TypeScript to consult the imports field of package.json files when performing a lookup that starts with # from a file whose ancestor directory contains a package.json.

                  对于 --moduleResolution,此选项在 node16nodenextbundler 选项下默认为 true

                  ¥This option defaults to true under the node16, nodenext, and bundler options for --moduleResolution.

                  # 根目录 - rootDir

                  默认:所有非声明输入文件的最长公共路径。如果设置了 composite,则默认值为包含 tsconfig.json 文件的目录。

                  ¥Default: The longest common path of all non-declaration input files. If composite is set, the default is instead the directory containing the tsconfig.json file.

                  当 TypeScript 编译文件时,它会在输出目录中保留与输入目录中相同的目录结构。

                  ¥When TypeScript compiles files, it keeps the same directory structure in the output directory as exists in the input directory.


                  ¥For example, let’s say you have some input files:

                  ├── tsconfig.json
                  ├── core
                  │ ├── a.ts
                  │ ├── b.ts
                  │ ├── sub
                  │ │ ├── c.ts
                  ├── types.d.ts

                  rootDir 的推断值是所有非声明输入文件的最长公共路径,在本例中为 core/

                  ¥The inferred value for rootDir is the longest common path of all non-declaration input files, which in this case is core/.

                  如果你的 outDirdist,TypeScript 将编写此树:

                  ¥If your outDir was dist, TypeScript would write this tree:

                  ├── dist
                  │ ├── a.js
                  │ ├── b.js
                  │ ├── sub
                  │ │ ├── c.js

                  但是,你可能打算将 core 作为输出目录结构的一部分。通过在 tsconfig.json 中设置 rootDir: ".",TypeScript 将编写此树:

                  ¥However, you may have intended for core to be part of the output directory structure. By setting rootDir: "." in tsconfig.json, TypeScript would write this tree:

                  ├── dist
                  │ ├── core
                  │ │ ├── a.js
                  │ │ ├── b.js
                  │ │ ├── sub
                  │ │ │ ├── c.js

                  重要的是,rootDir 不会影响哪些文件成为编译的一部分。它与 includeexcludefiles tsconfig.json 设置没有交互。

                  ¥Importantly, rootDir does not affect which files become part of the compilation. It has no interaction with the include, exclude, or files tsconfig.json settings.

                  请注意,TypeScript 永远不会将输出文件写入 outDir 之外的目录,也永远不会跳过触发文件。因此,rootDir 还强制要求所有需要触发的文件都位于 rootDir 路径下。

                  ¥Note that TypeScript will never write an output file to a directory outside of outDir, and will never skip emitting a file. For this reason, rootDir also enforces that all files which need to be emitted are underneath the rootDir path.


                  ¥For example, let’s say you had this tree:

                  ├── tsconfig.json
                  ├── core
                  │ ├── a.ts
                  │ ├── b.ts
                  ├── helpers.ts

                  rootDir 指定为 core 并将 include 指定为 * 会出错,因为它会创建一个需要在 outDir(即 ../helpers.js)之外触发的文件 (helpers.ts)。

                  ¥It would be an error to specify rootDir as core and include as * because it creates a file (helpers.ts) that would need to be emitted outside the outDir (i.e. ../helpers.js).

                  • 默认:

                    Computed from the list of input files.

                  • 版本:


                  # 根目录 - rootDirs

                  使用 rootDirs,你可以通知编译器有许多 “virtual” 目录充当单个根目录。这允许编译器解析这些 “virtual” 目录中的相对模块导入,就好像它们合并到一个目录中一样。

                  ¥Using rootDirs, you can inform the compiler that there are many “virtual” directories acting as a single root. This allows the compiler to resolve relative module imports within these “virtual” directories, as if they were merged in to one directory.


                  ¥For example:

                  └── views
                  └── view1.ts (can import "./template1", "./view2`)
                  └── view2.ts (can import "./template1", "./view1`)
                  └── templates
                  └── views
                  └── template1.ts (can import "./view1", "./view2")
                  "": ["src/views", "generated/templates/views"]

                  这不会影响 TypeScript 触发 JavaScript 的方式,它仅模拟了它们能够在运行时通过这些相对路径工作的假设。

                  ¥This does not affect how TypeScript emits JavaScript, it only emulates the assumption that they will be able to work via those relative paths at runtime.

                  rootDirs 可用于为非 TypeScript 或 JavaScript 的文件提供单独的 “类型层”,方法是在另一个文件夹中为生成的 .d.ts 文件提供主目录。此技术对于打包应用很有用,在这些应用中,你使用的文件的 import 不一定是代码:

                  ¥rootDirs can be used to provide a separate “type layer” to files that are not TypeScript or JavaScript by providing a home for generated .d.ts files in another folder. This technique is useful for bundled applications where you use import of files that aren’t necessarily code:

                  └── index.ts
                  └── css
                  └── main.css
                  └── navigation.css
                  └── css
                  └── main.css.d.ts
                  └── navigation.css.d.ts
                  "": ["src", "generated"]

                  此技术允许你提前为非代码源文件生成类型。然后导入会根据源文件的位置自然工作。例如,./src/index.ts 可以导入文件 ./src/css/main.css,TypeScript 将通过相应生成的声明文件了解该文件类型的打包器行为。

                  ¥This technique lets you generate types ahead of time for the non-code source files. Imports then work naturally based off the source file’s location. For example ./src/index.ts can import the file ./src/css/main.css and TypeScript will be aware of the bundler’s behavior for that filetype via the corresponding generated declaration file.

                  // @filename: index.ts
                  import { appClass } from "./main.css";
                  • 默认:

                    Computed from the list of input files.

                  • 版本:


                  # 类型根 - typeRoots

                  默认情况下,所有可见的“@types”包都包含在你的编译中。任何封闭文件夹的 node_modules/@types 中的包都被视为可见。例如,这意味着 ./node_modules/@types/../node_modules/@types/../../node_modules/@types/ 等内的包。

                  ¥By default all visible@types” packages are included in your compilation. Packages in node_modules/@types of any enclosing folder are considered visible. For example, that means packages within ./node_modules/@types/, ../node_modules/@types/, ../../node_modules/@types/, and so on.

                  如果指定了 typeRoots,则只会包含 typeRoots 下的包。例如:

                  ¥If typeRoots is specified, only packages under typeRoots will be included. For example:

                  "": ["./typings", "./vendor/types"]

                  此配置文件将包含 ./typings./vendor/types 下的所有包,但不包含 ./node_modules/@types 中的包。所有路径均相对于 tsconfig.json

                  ¥This config file will include all packages under ./typings and ./vendor/types, and no packages from ./node_modules/@types. All paths are relative to the tsconfig.json.

                  # 类型 - types

                  默认情况下,所有可见的“@types”包都包含在你的编译中。任何封闭文件夹的 node_modules/@types 中的包都被视为可见。例如,这意味着 ./node_modules/@types/../node_modules/@types/../../node_modules/@types/ 等内的包。

                  ¥By default all visible@types” packages are included in your compilation. Packages in node_modules/@types of any enclosing folder are considered visible. For example, that means packages within ./node_modules/@types/, ../node_modules/@types/, ../../node_modules/@types/, and so on.

                  如果指定了 types,则只有列出的包才会包含在全局范围内。例如:

                  ¥If types is specified, only packages listed will be included in the global scope. For instance:

                  "": ["node", "jest", "express"]

                  tsconfig.json 文件将仅包含 ./node_modules/@types/node./node_modules/@types/jest./node_modules/@types/expressnode_modules/@types/* 下的其他软件包将不包括在内。

                  ¥This tsconfig.json file will only include ./node_modules/@types/node, ./node_modules/@types/jest and ./node_modules/@types/express. Other packages under node_modules/@types/* will not be included.


                  ¥What does this affect?

                  此选项不会影响 @types/* 在你的应用代码中的包含方式,例如,如果你有上述 compilerOptions 示例,其代码如下:

                  ¥This option does not affect how @types/* are included in your application code, for example if you had the above compilerOptions example with code like:

                  import * as moment from "moment";
                  moment().format("MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a");

                  moment 导入将完全类型化。

                  ¥The moment import would be fully typed.

                  当你设置此选项时,通过不在 types 数组中包含模块:

                  ¥When you have this option set, by not including a module in the types array it:

                  • 不会将全局变量添加到你的项目(例如节点中的 process 或 Jest 中的 expect

                    ¥Will not add globals to your project (e.g process in node, or expect in Jest)

                  • 不会将导出显示为自动导入建议

                    ¥Will not have exports appear as auto-import recommendations

                  此功能与 typeRoots 的不同之处在于它只指定你想要包含的确切类型,而 typeRoots 支持指定你想要特定的文件夹。

                  ¥This feature differs from typeRoots in that it is about specifying only the exact types you want included, whereas typeRoots supports saying you want particular folders.


                  # 声明 - declaration

                  为项目中的每个 TypeScript 或 JavaScript 文件生成 .d.ts 文件。这些 .d.ts 文件是描述模块外部 API 的类型定义文件。使用 .d.ts 文件,TypeScript 等工具可以为无类型代码提供智能感知和准确类型。

                  ¥Generate .d.ts files for every TypeScript or JavaScript file inside your project. These .d.ts files are type definition files which describe the external API of your module. With .d.ts files, tools like TypeScript can provide intellisense and accurate types for un-typed code.

                  declaration 设置为 true 时,使用此 TypeScript 代码运行编译器:

                  ¥When declaration is set to true, running the compiler with this TypeScript code:

                  export let helloWorld = "hi";

                  将生成如下 index.js 文件:

                  ¥Will generate an index.js file like this:

                  export let helloWorld = "hi";

                  使用相应的 helloWorld.d.ts

                  ¥With a corresponding helloWorld.d.ts:

                  export declare let helloWorld: string;

                  使用 .d.ts 文件作为 JavaScript 文件时,你可能需要使用 emitDeclarationOnly 或使用 outDir 来确保 JavaScript 文件不会被覆盖。

                  ¥When working with .d.ts files for JavaScript files you may want to use emitDeclarationOnly or use outDir to ensure that the JavaScript files are not overwritten.

                  # 声明目录 - declarationDir


                  ¥Offers a way to configure the root directory for where declaration files are emitted.

                  ├── index.ts
                  ├── package.json
                  └── tsconfig.json

                  使用这个 tsconfig.json

                  ¥with this tsconfig.json:

                  "": true,
                  "": "./types"

                  index.ts 的 d.ts 放在 types 文件夹中:

                  ¥Would place the d.ts for the index.ts in a types folder:

                  ├── index.js
                  ├── index.ts
                  ├── package.json
                  ├── tsconfig.json
                  └── types
                  └── index.d.ts

                  # 声明映射 - declarationMap

                  .d.ts 文件生成源映射,该映射回原始 .ts 源文件。这将允许编辑器(例如 VS Code)在使用“转到定义”等功能时转到原始 .ts 文件。

                  ¥Generates a source map for .d.ts files which map back to the original .ts source file. This will allow editors such as VS Code to go to the original .ts file when using features like Go to Definition.


                  ¥You should strongly consider turning this on if you’re using project references.

                  # 下级迭代 - downlevelIteration

                  降级是 TypeScript 的术语,表示转换为旧版本的 JavaScript。此标志用于支持更准确地实现现代 JavaScript 如何在旧 JavaScript 运行时中迭代新概念。

                  ¥Downleveling is TypeScript’s term for transpiling to an older version of JavaScript. This flag is to enable support for a more accurate implementation of how modern JavaScript iterates through new concepts in older JavaScript runtimes.

                  ECMAScript 6 添加了几个新的迭代原语:for / of 循环 (for (el of arr))、数组扩展 ([a, ...b])、参数扩展 (fn(...args)) 和 Symbol.iterator。如果存在 Symbol.iterator 实现,downlevelIteration 允许在 ES5 环境中更准确地使用这些迭代原语。

                  ¥ECMAScript 6 added several new iteration primitives: the for / of loop (for (el of arr)), Array spread ([a, ...b]), argument spread (fn(...args)), and Symbol.iterator. downlevelIteration allows for these iteration primitives to be used more accurately in ES5 environments if a Symbol.iterator implementation is present.

                  示例:对 for / of 的影响

                  ¥Example: Effects on for / of

                  使用此 TypeScript 代码:

                  ¥With this TypeScript code:

                  const str = "Hello!";
                  for (const s of str) {

                  如果不启用 downlevelIteration,任何对象上的 for / of 循环都会降级为传统的 for 循环:

                  ¥Without downlevelIteration enabled, a for / of loop on any object is downleveled to a traditional for loop:

                  "use strict";
                  var str = "Hello!";
                  for (var _i = 0, str_1 = str; _i < str_1.length; _i++) {
                  var s = str_1[_i];

                  这通常是人们所期望的,但它并不 100% 符合 ECMAScript 迭代协议。某些字符串,例如表情符号 (😜),.length 为 2(甚至更多!),但应在 for-of 循环中作为 1 个单位进行迭代。有关更详细的说明,请参阅 Jonathan New 的这篇博文

                  ¥This is often what people expect, but it’s not 100% compliant with ECMAScript iteration protocol. Certain strings, such as emoji (😜), have a .length of 2 (or even more!), but should iterate as 1 unit in a for-of loop. See this blog post by Jonathan New for a longer explanation.

                  启用 downlevelIteration 后,TypeScript 将使用辅助函数检查 Symbol.iterator 实现(原生或 polyfill)。如果缺少此实现,你将退回到基于索引的迭代。

                  ¥When downlevelIteration is enabled, TypeScript will use a helper function that checks for a Symbol.iterator implementation (either native or polyfill). If this implementation is missing, you’ll fall back to index-based iteration.

                  "use strict";
                  var __values = (this && this.__values) || function(o) {
                  var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
                  if (m) return m.call(o);
                  if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
                  next: function () {
                  if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
                  return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
                  throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
                  var e_1, _a;
                  var str = "Hello!";
                  try {
                  for (var str_1 = __values(str), str_1_1 = str_1.next(); !str_1_1.done; str_1_1 = str_1.next()) {
                  var s = str_1_1.value;
                  catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
                  finally {
                  try {
                  if (str_1_1 && !str_1_1.done && (_a = str_1.return)) _a.call(str_1);
                  finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }

                  你也可以通过 importHelpers 使用 tslib 来减少内联 JavaScript 的数量:

                  ¥You can use tslib via importHelpers to reduce the amount of inline JavaScript too:

                  "use strict";
                  var __values = (this && this.__values) || function(o) {
                  var s = typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.iterator, m = s && o[s], i = 0;
                  if (m) return m.call(o);
                  if (o && typeof o.length === "number") return {
                  next: function () {
                  if (o && i >= o.length) o = void 0;
                  return { value: o && o[i++], done: !o };
                  throw new TypeError(s ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined.");
                  var e_1, _a;
                  var str = "Hello!";
                  try {
                  for (var str_1 = __values(str), str_1_1 = str_1.next(); !str_1_1.done; str_1_1 = str_1.next()) {
                  var s = str_1_1.value;
                  catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
                  finally {
                  try {
                  if (str_1_1 && !str_1_1.done && (_a = str_1.return)) _a.call(str_1);
                  finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }

                  注意:如果运行时中不存在 Symbol.iterator,则启用 downlevelIteration 不会提高合规性。

                  ¥Note: enabling downlevelIteration does not improve compliance if Symbol.iterator is not present in the runtime.


                  ¥Example: Effects on Array Spreads


                  ¥This is an array spread:

                  // Make a new array whose elements are 1 followed by the elements of arr2
                  const arr = [1, ...arr2];

                  根据描述,降级到 ES5 听起来很容易:

                  ¥Based on the description, it sounds easy to downlevel to ES5:

                  // The same, right?
                  const arr = [1].concat(arr2);


                  ¥However, this is observably different in certain rare cases.

                  例如,如果源数组缺少一个或多个项目(包含一个洞),则扩展语法将用 undefined 替换每个空项目,而 .concat 将保持它们不变。

                  ¥For example, if a source array is missing one or more items (contains a hole), the spread syntax will replace each empty item with undefined, whereas .concat will leave them intact.

                  // Make an array where the element at index 1 is missing
                  let arrayWithHole = ["a", , "c"];
                  let spread = [...arrayWithHole];
                  let concatenated = [].concat(arrayWithHole);
                  // [ 'a', <1 empty item>, 'c' ]
                  // [ 'a', undefined, 'c' ]
                  // [ 'a', <1 empty item>, 'c' ]

                  for / of 一样,downlevelIteration 将使用 Symbol.iterator(如果存在)来更准确地模拟 ES 6 行为。

                  ¥Just as with for / of, downlevelIteration will use Symbol.iterator (if present) to more accurately emulate ES 6 behavior.

                  # 触发 BOM - emitBOM

                  控制 TypeScript 在编写输出文件时是否会触发 字节顺序标记 (BOM)。某些运行时环境需要 BOM 才能正确解释 JavaScript 文件;其他人要求它不存在。除非你有理由更改它,否则 false 的默认值通常是最好的。

                  ¥Controls whether TypeScript will emit a byte order mark (BOM) when writing output files. Some runtime environments require a BOM to correctly interpret a JavaScript files; others require that it is not present. The default value of false is generally best unless you have a reason to change it.

                    # 仅触发声明 - emitDeclarationOnly

                    仅触发 .d.ts 文件;不要触发 .js 文件。

                    ¥Only emit .d.ts files; do not emit .js files.


                    ¥This setting is useful in two cases:

                    • 你正在使用 TypeScript 以外的转译器来生成 JavaScript。

                      ¥You are using a transpiler other than TypeScript to generate your JavaScript.

                    • 你正在使用 TypeScript 仅为你的消费者生成 d.ts 文件。

                      ¥You are using TypeScript to only generate d.ts files for your consumers.

                    # 导入助手 - importHelpers

                    对于某些降级操作,TypeScript 使用一些辅助代码来执行扩展类、扩展数组或对象以及异步操作等操作。默认情况下,这些辅助程序会插入到使用它们的文件中。如果在许多不同的模块中使用相同的辅助程序,则可能导致代码重复。

                    ¥For certain downleveling operations, TypeScript uses some helper code for operations like extending class, spreading arrays or objects, and async operations. By default, these helpers are inserted into files which use them. This can result in code duplication if the same helper is used in many different modules.

                    如果 importHelpers 标志处于打开状态,则这些辅助函数将从 tslib 模块导入。你需要确保 tslib 模块能够在运行时导入。这只影响模块;全局脚本文件不会尝试导入模块。

                    ¥If the importHelpers flag is on, these helper functions are instead imported from the tslib module. You will need to ensure that the tslib module is able to be imported at runtime. This only affects modules; global script files will not attempt to import modules.

                    例如,使用此 TypeScript:

                    ¥For example, with this TypeScript:

                    export function fn(arr: number[]) {
                    const arr2 = [1, ...arr];

                    打开 downlevelIterationimportHelpers 仍然为假:

                    ¥Turning on downlevelIteration and importHelpers is still false:

                    var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
                    var m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator];
                    if (!m) return o;
                    var i = m.call(o), r, ar = [], e;
                    try {
                    while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value);
                    catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
                    finally {
                    try {
                    if (r && !r.done && (m = i["return"])) m.call(i);
                    finally { if (e) throw e.error; }
                    return ar;
                    var __spreadArray = (this && this.__spreadArray) || function (to, from, pack) {
                    if (pack || arguments.length === 2) for (var i = 0, l = from.length, ar; i < l; i++) {
                    if (ar || !(i in from)) {
                    if (!ar) ar = Array.prototype.slice.call(from, 0, i);
                    ar[i] = from[i];
                    return to.concat(ar || Array.prototype.slice.call(from));
                    export function fn(arr) {
                    var arr2 = __spreadArray([1], __read(arr), false);

                    然后同时打开 downlevelIterationimportHelpers

                    ¥Then turning on both downlevelIteration and importHelpers:

                    import { __read, __spreadArray } from "tslib";
                    export function fn(arr) {
                    var arr2 = __spreadArray([1], __read(arr), false);

                    当你提供这些函数的自己的实现时,可以使用 noEmitHelpers

                    ¥You can use noEmitHelpers when you provide your own implementations of these functions.

                    # 内联源映射 - inlineSourceMap

                    设置后,TypeScript 不会写出 .js.map 文件来提供源映射,而是会将源映射内容嵌入到 .js 文件中。虽然这会导致更大的 JS 文件,但在某些情况下会很方便。例如,你可能想要在不允许提供 .map 文件的 Web 服务器上调试 JS 文件。

                    ¥When set, instead of writing out a .js.map file to provide source maps, TypeScript will embed the source map content in the .js files. Although this results in larger JS files, it can be convenient in some scenarios. For example, you might want to debug JS files on a webserver that doesn’t allow .map files to be served.

                    sourceMap 互斥。

                    ¥Mutually exclusive with sourceMap.

                    例如,使用此 TypeScript:

                    ¥For example, with this TypeScript:

                    const helloWorld = "hi";

                    转换为此 JavaScript:

                    ¥Converts to this JavaScript:

                    "use strict";
                    const helloWorld = "hi";

                    然后启用 inlineSourceMap 的构建,文件底部有一个注释,其中包含文件的源映射。

                    ¥Then enable building it with inlineSourceMap enabled there is a comment at the bottom of the file which includes a source-map for the file.

                    "use strict";
                    const helloWorld = "hi";
                    //# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoiaW5kZXguanMiLCJzb3VyY2VSb290IjoiIiwic291cmNlcyI6WyJpbmRleC50cyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiO0FBQUEsTUFBTSxVQUFVLEdBQUcsSUFBSSxDQUFDO0FBQ3hCLE9BQU8sQ0FBQyxHQUFHLENBQUMsVUFBVSxDQUFDLENBQUMifQ==

                    # 内联源 - inlineSources

                    设置后,TypeScript 会将 .ts 文件的原始内容作为嵌入字符串包含在源映射中(使用源映射的 sourcesContent 属性)。这通常在与 inlineSourceMap 相同的情况下很有用。

                    ¥When set, TypeScript will include the original content of the .ts file as an embedded string in the source map (using the source map’s sourcesContent property). This is often useful in the same cases as inlineSourceMap.

                    需要设置 sourceMapinlineSourceMap

                    ¥Requires either sourceMap or inlineSourceMap to be set.

                    例如,使用此 TypeScript:

                    ¥For example, with this TypeScript:

                    const helloWorld = "hi";

                    默认情况下转换为此 JavaScript:

                    ¥By default converts to this JavaScript:

                    "use strict";
                    const helloWorld = "hi";

                    然后启用 inlineSourcesinlineSourceMap 的构建,文件底部有一个注释,其中包含文件的源映射。请注意,结尾与 inlineSourceMap 中的示例不同,因为源映射现在也包含原始源代码。

                    ¥Then enable building it with inlineSources and inlineSourceMap enabled there is a comment at the bottom of the file which includes a source-map for the file. Note that the end is different from the example in inlineSourceMap because the source-map now contains the original source code also.

                    "use strict";
                    const helloWorld = "hi";
                    //# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjozLCJmaWxlIjoiaW5kZXguanMiLCJzb3VyY2VSb290IjoiIiwic291cmNlcyI6WyJpbmRleC50cyJdLCJuYW1lcyI6W10sIm1hcHBpbmdzIjoiO0FBQUEsTUFBTSxVQUFVLEdBQUcsSUFBSSxDQUFDO0FBQ3hCLE9BQU8sQ0FBQyxHQUFHLENBQUMsVUFBVSxDQUFDLENBQUMiLCJzb3VyY2VzQ29udGVudCI6WyJjb25zdCBoZWxsb1dvcmxkID0gXCJoaVwiO1xuY29uc29sZS5sb2coaGVsbG9Xb3JsZCk7Il19

                    # 映射根 - mapRoot


                    ¥Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. This string is treated verbatim inside the source-map, for example:

                    "": true,
                    "": "https://my-website.com/debug/sourcemaps/"

                    将声明 index.js 将在 https://my-website.com/debug/sourcemaps/index.js.map 处有源映射。

                    ¥Would declare that index.js will have sourcemaps at https://my-website.com/debug/sourcemaps/index.js.map.

                      # 新行 - newLine

                      指定在触发文件时要使用的行尾序列:‘CRLF’(dos)或 ‘LF’(unix)。

                      ¥Specify the end of line sequence to be used when emitting files: ‘CRLF’ (dos) or ‘LF’ (unix).

                      • 默认:


                      • 允许:
                        • crlf

                        • lf

                      • 版本:


                      # 无触发 - noEmit

                      不要触发编译器输出文件,如 JavaScript 源代码、源映射或声明。

                      ¥Do not emit compiler output files like JavaScript source code, source-maps or declarations.

                      这为另一个工具(如 Babelswc)腾出了空间,用于将 TypeScript 文件转换为可以在 JavaScript 环境中运行的文件。

                      ¥This makes room for another tool like Babel, or swc to handle converting the TypeScript file to a file which can run inside a JavaScript environment.

                      然后,你可以将 TypeScript 用作提供编辑器集成的工具,并用作源代码类型检查器。

                      ¥You can then use TypeScript as a tool for providing editor integration, and as a source code type-checker.

                        # 无触发助手 - noEmitHelpers

                        而不是使用 importHelpers 导入助手,你可以在全局范围内为你使用的助手提供实现,并完全关闭助手函数的触发。

                        ¥Instead of importing helpers with importHelpers, you can provide implementations in the global scope for the helpers you use and completely turn off emitting of helper functions.

                        例如,在 ES5 中使用此 async 函数需要运行类似 await 的函数和类似 generator 的函数:

                        ¥For example, using this async function in ES5 requires a await-like function and generator-like function to run:

                        const getAPI = async (url: string) => {
                        // Get API
                        return {};

                        这会创建相当多的 JavaScript:

                        ¥Which creates quite a lot of JavaScript:

                        "use strict";
                        var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
                        function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
                        return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
                        function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
                        function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
                        function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
                        step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
                        var __generator = (this && this.__generator) || function (thisArg, body) {
                        var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g = Object.create((typeof Iterator === "function" ? Iterator : Object).prototype);
                        return g.next = verb(0), g["throw"] = verb(1), g["return"] = verb(2), typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
                        function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
                        function step(op) {
                        if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
                        while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _) try {
                        if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
                        if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
                        switch (op[0]) {
                        case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
                        case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
                        case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
                        case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
                        if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
                        if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
                        if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
                        if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
                        if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
                        _.trys.pop(); continue;
                        op = body.call(thisArg, _);
                        } catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
                        if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
                        var getAPI = function (url) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
                        return __generator(this, function (_a) {
                        // Get API
                        return [2 /*return*/, {}];
                        }); };


                        ¥Which can be switched out with your own globals via this flag:

                        "use strict";
                        var getAPI = function (url) { return __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function () {
                        return __generator(this, function (_a) {
                        // Get API
                        return [2 /*return*/, {}];
                        }); };

                        # 无错误时触发 - noEmitOnError

                        如果报告了任何错误,则不要触发编译器输出文件,如 JavaScript 源代码、源映射或声明。

                        ¥Do not emit compiler output files like JavaScript source code, source-maps or declarations if any errors were reported.

                        这默认为 false,使在类似监视的环境中使用 TypeScript 更容易,在这种环境中,你可能希望在另一个环境中查看代码更改的结果,然后再确保所有错误都得到解决。

                        ¥This defaults to false, making it easier to work with TypeScript in a watch-like environment where you may want to see results of changes to your code in another environment before making sure all errors are resolved.

                        # 输出目录 - outDir

                        如果指定,.js(以及 .d.ts.js.map 等)文件将触发到此目录中。原始源文件的目录结构被保留;如果计算的根不是你想要的,请参阅 rootDir

                        ¥If specified, .js (as well as .d.ts, .js.map, etc.) files will be emitted into this directory. The directory structure of the original source files is preserved; see rootDir if the computed root is not what you intended.

                        如果未指定,.js 文件将在与生成它们的 .ts 文件相同的目录中触发:

                        ¥If not specified, .js files will be emitted in the same directory as the .ts files they were generated from:

                        $ tsc
                        ├── index.js
                        └── index.ts

                        使用这样的 tsconfig.json 后:

                        ¥With a tsconfig.json like this:

                        "": "dist"

                        使用这些设置运行 tsc 会将文件移动到指定的 dist 文件夹中:

                        ¥Running tsc with these settings moves the files into the specified dist folder:

                        $ tsc
                        ├── dist
                        │ └── index.js
                        ├── index.ts
                        └── tsconfig.json

                        # 输出文件 - outFile


                        ¥If specified, all global (non-module) files will be concatenated into the single output file specified.

                        如果 modulesystemamd,则所有模块文件也将在所有全局内容之后连接到此文件中。

                        ¥If module is system or amd, all module files will also be concatenated into this file after all global content.

                        注意:除非 moduleNoneSystemAMD,否则不能使用 outFile。此选项不能用于打包 CommonJS 或 ES6 模块。

                        ¥Note: outFile cannot be used unless module is None, System, or AMD. This option cannot be used to bundle CommonJS or ES6 modules.

                        # 保留 Const 枚举 - preserveConstEnums

                        不要删除生成的代码中的 const enum 声明。const enum 通过触发枚举值而不是引用来提供一种在运行时减少应用总体内存占用的方法。

                        ¥Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code. const enums provide a way to reduce the overall memory footprint of your application at runtime by emitting the enum value instead of a reference.

                        例如,使用此 TypeScript:

                        ¥For example with this TypeScript:

                        const enum Album {
                        JimmyEatWorldFutures = 1,
                        TubRingZooHypothesis = 2,
                        DogFashionDiscoAdultery = 3,
                        const selectedAlbum = Album.JimmyEatWorldFutures;
                        if (selectedAlbum === Album.JimmyEatWorldFutures) {
                        console.log("That is a great choice.");

                        默认的 const enum 行为是将任何 Album.Something 转换为相应的数字字面量,并从 JavaScript 中完全删除对枚举的引用。

                        ¥The default const enum behavior is to convert any Album.Something to the corresponding number literal, and to remove a reference to the enum from the JavaScript completely.

                        "use strict";
                        const selectedAlbum = 1 /* Album.JimmyEatWorldFutures */;
                        if (selectedAlbum === 1 /* Album.JimmyEatWorldFutures */) {
                        console.log("That is a great choice.");

                        preserveConstEnums 设置为 true 后,enum 在运行时存在,并且数字仍会触发。

                        ¥With preserveConstEnums set to true, the enum exists at runtime and the numbers are still emitted.

                        "use strict";
                        var Album;
                        (function (Album) {
                        Album[Album["JimmyEatWorldFutures"] = 1] = "JimmyEatWorldFutures";
                        Album[Album["TubRingZooHypothesis"] = 2] = "TubRingZooHypothesis";
                        Album[Album["DogFashionDiscoAdultery"] = 3] = "DogFashionDiscoAdultery";
                        })(Album || (Album = {}));
                        const selectedAlbum = 1 /* Album.JimmyEatWorldFutures */;
                        if (selectedAlbum === 1 /* Album.JimmyEatWorldFutures */) {
                        console.log("That is a great choice.");

                        这实际上使这样的 const enums 成为仅源代码功能,没有运行时跟踪。

                        ¥This essentially makes such const enums a source-code feature only, with no runtime traces.

                        # 删除注释 - removeComments

                        转换为 JavaScript 时从 TypeScript 文件中删除所有注释。默认为 false

                        ¥Strips all comments from TypeScript files when converting into JavaScript. Defaults to false.

                        例如,这是一个具有 JSDoc 注释的 TypeScript 文件:

                        ¥For example, this is a TypeScript file which has a JSDoc comment:

                        /** The translation of 'Hello world' into Portuguese */
                        export const helloWorldPTBR = "Olá Mundo";

                        removeComments 设置为 true 时:

                        ¥When removeComments is set to true:

                        export const helloWorldPTBR = "Olá Mundo";

                        不设置 removeComments 或将其作为 false

                        ¥Without setting removeComments or having it as false:

                        /** The translation of 'Hello world' into Portuguese */
                        export const helloWorldPTBR = "Olá Mundo";

                        这意味着你的注释将显示在 JavaScript 代码中。

                        ¥This means that your comments will show up in the JavaScript code.

                          # 源映射 - sourceMap

                          启用 源映射文件 的生成。这些文件允许调试器和其他工具在实际使用触发的 JavaScript 文件时显示原始 TypeScript 源代码。源映射文件作为 .js.map(或 .jsx.map)文件触发,位于相应的 .js 输出文件旁边。

                          ¥Enables the generation of sourcemap files. These files allow debuggers and other tools to display the original TypeScript source code when actually working with the emitted JavaScript files. Source map files are emitted as .js.map (or .jsx.map) files next to the corresponding .js output file.

                          .js 文件反过来将包含一个源映射注释,以向外部工具指示文件的位置,例如:

                          ¥The .js files will in turn contain a sourcemap comment to indicate where the files are to external tools, for example:

                          // helloWorld.ts
                          export declare const helloWorld = "hi";

                          sourceMap 设置为 true 进行编译会创建以下 JavaScript 文件:

                          ¥Compiling with sourceMap set to true creates the following JavaScript file:

                          // helloWorld.js
                          "use strict";
                          Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
                          exports.helloWorld = "hi";
                          //# sourceMappingURL=// helloWorld.js.map

                          这也会生成这个 json 映射:

                          ¥And this also generates this json map:

                          // helloWorld.js.map
                          "version": 3,
                          "file": "ex.js",
                          "sourceRoot": "",
                          "sources": ["../ex.ts"],
                          "names": [],
                          "mappings": ";;AAAa,QAAA,UAAU,GAAG,IAAI,CAAA"

                            # 源根 - sourceRoot

                            指定调试器应定位 TypeScript 文件的位置,而不是相对源位置。此字符串在源映射中逐字处理,你可以在其中使用路径或 URL:

                            ¥Specify the location where a debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of relative source locations. This string is treated verbatim inside the source-map where you can use a path or a URL:

                            "": true,
                            "": "https://my-website.com/debug/source/"

                            将声明 index.js 将在 https://my-website.com/debug/source/index.ts 处有一个源文件。

                            ¥Would declare that index.js will have a source file at https://my-website.com/debug/source/index.ts.

                              # 剥离内部 - stripInternal

                              不要触发 JSDoc 注释中带有 @internal 注释的代码的声明。这是一个内部编译器选项;使用风险自负,因为编译器不会检查结果是否有效。如果你正在寻找一种工具来处理 d.ts 文件中的其他可见性级别,请查看 api-extractor

                              ¥Do not emit declarations for code that has an @internal annotation in its JSDoc comment. This is an internal compiler option; use at your own risk, because the compiler does not check that the result is valid. If you are searching for a tool to handle additional levels of visibility within your d.ts files, look at api-extractor.

                              * Days available in a week
                              * @internal
                              export const daysInAWeek = 7;
                              /** Calculate how much someone earns in a week */
                              export function weeklySalary(dayRate: number) {
                              return daysInAWeek * dayRate;

                              将标志设置为 false(默认):

                              ¥With the flag set to false (default):

                              * Days available in a week
                              * @internal
                              export declare const daysInAWeek = 7;
                              /** Calculate how much someone earns in a week */
                              export declare function weeklySalary(dayRate: number): number;

                              stripInternal 设置为 true 后,触发的 d.ts 将被删除。

                              ¥With stripInternal set to true the d.ts emitted will be redacted.

                              /** Calculate how much someone earns in a week */
                              export declare function weeklySalary(dayRate: number): number;

                              JavaScript 输出仍然相同。

                              ¥The JavaScript output is still the same.

                              • 内部

                              #JavaScript 支持

                              # 允许 JS - allowJs

                              允许在项目内部导入 JavaScript 文件,而不仅仅是 .ts.tsx 文件。例如,这个 JS 文件:

                              ¥Allow JavaScript files to be imported inside your project, instead of just .ts and .tsx files. For example, this JS file:

                              // @filename: card.js
                              export const defaultCardDeck = "Heart";

                              导入到 TypeScript 文件中时会引发错误:

                              ¥When imported into a TypeScript file will raise an error:

                              // @filename: index.ts
                              import { defaultCardDeck } from "./card";

                              启用 allowJs 后导入正常:

                              ¥Imports fine with allowJs enabled:

                              // @filename: index.ts
                              import { defaultCardDeck } from "./card";

                              此标志可用于通过允许 .ts.tsx 文件与现有 JavaScript 文件共存,将 TypeScript 文件逐步添加到 JS 项目中。

                              ¥This flag can be used as a way to incrementally add TypeScript files into JS projects by allowing the .ts and .tsx files to live along-side existing JavaScript files.

                              它也可以与 declarationemitDeclarationOnly为 JS 文件创建声明 一起使用。

                              ¥It can also be used along-side declaration and emitDeclarationOnly to create declarations for JS files.

                              # 检查 JS - checkJs

                              allowJs 协同工作。启用 checkJs 后,JavaScript 文件中会报告错误。这相当于在项目中包含的所有 JavaScript 文件的顶部包含 // @ts-check

                              ¥Works in tandem with allowJs. When checkJs is enabled then errors are reported in JavaScript files. This is the equivalent of including // @ts-check at the top of all JavaScript files which are included in your project.

                              例如,根据 TypeScript 附带的 parseFloat 类型定义,这是不正确的 JavaScript:

                              ¥For example, this is incorrect JavaScript according to the parseFloat type definition which comes with TypeScript:

                              // parseFloat only takes a string
                              module.exports.pi = parseFloat(3.142);

                              导入到 TypeScript 模块中时:

                              ¥When imported into a TypeScript module:

                              // @filename: constants.js
                              module.exports.pi = parseFloat(3.142);
                              // @filename: index.ts
                              import { pi } from "./constants";

                              你不会收到任何错误。但是,如果你打开 checkJs,那么你将收到来自 JavaScript 文件的错误消息。

                              ¥You will not get any errors. However, if you turn on checkJs then you will get error messages from the JavaScript file.

                              // @filename: constants.js
                              module.exports.pi = parseFloat(3.142);
                              Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.2345Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
                              // @filename: index.ts
                              import { pi } from "./constants";

                              # 最大节点模块 JS 深度 - maxNodeModuleJsDepth

                              node_modules 下搜索和加载 JavaScript 文件的最大依赖深度。

                              ¥The maximum dependency depth to search under node_modules and load JavaScript files.

                              此标志仅在启用 allowJs 时才可使用,如果你希望 TypeScript 推断 node_modules 内所有 JavaScript 的类型,则使用此标志。

                              ¥This flag can only be used when allowJs is enabled, and is used if you want to have TypeScript infer types for all of the JavaScript inside your node_modules.

                              理想情况下,它应该保持在 0(默认值),并且应该使用 d.ts 文件明确定义模块的形状。但是,在某些情况下,你可能希望以牺牲速度和潜在准确性为代价来启用此功能。

                              ¥Ideally this should stay at 0 (the default), and d.ts files should be used to explicitly define the shape of modules. However, there are cases where you may want to turn this on at the expense of speed and potential accuracy.


                                # 禁用大小限制 - disableSizeLimit

                                为了避免在处理非常大的 JavaScript 项目时可能出现的内存膨胀问题,TypeScript 分配的内存量有一个上限。打开此标志将消除限制。

                                ¥To avoid a possible memory bloat issues when working with very large JavaScript projects, there is an upper limit to the amount of memory TypeScript will allocate. Turning this flag on will remove the limit.

                                  # 插件 - plugins


                                  ¥List of language service plugins to run inside the editor.

                                  语言服务插件是一种基于现有 TypeScript 文件向用户提供附加信息的方法。它们可以增强 TypeScript 和编辑器之间的现有消息,或提供自己的错误消息。

                                  ¥Language service plugins are a way to provide additional information to a user based on existing TypeScript files. They can enhance existing messages between TypeScript and an editor, or to provide their own error messages.


                                  ¥For example:

                                  VS Code 具有扩展 自动包含语言服务插件 的功能,因此你可以在编辑器中运行一些扩展,而无需在 tsconfig.json 中定义它们。

                                  ¥VS Code has the ability for a extension to automatically include language service plugins, and so you may have some running in your editor without needing to define them in your tsconfig.json.


                                    # 允许合成默认导入 - allowSyntheticDefaultImports

                                    设置为 true 时,allowSyntheticDefaultImports 允许你编写如下导入:

                                    ¥When set to true, allowSyntheticDefaultImports allows you to write an import like:

                                    import React from "react";


                                    ¥instead of:

                                    import * as React from "react";


                                    ¥When the module does not explicitly specify a default export.

                                    例如,不将 allowSyntheticDefaultImports 设置为 true:

                                    ¥For example, without allowSyntheticDefaultImports as true:

                                    // @filename: utilFunctions.js
                                    const getStringLength = (str) => str.length;
                                    module.exports = {
                                    // @filename: index.ts
                                    import utils from "./utilFunctions";
                                    Module '"/Users/q/code/nodejscn/typescript/src/packages/typescriptlang-org/utilFunctions"' has no default export.1192Module '"/Users/q/code/nodejscn/typescript/src/packages/typescriptlang-org/utilFunctions"' has no default export.
                                    const count = utils.getStringLength("Check JS");

                                    此代码会引发错误,因为没有可以导入的 default 对象。尽管感觉应该如此。为方便起见,如果没有创建默认转译器,Babel 等转译器将自动创建一个默认转译器。使模块看起来更像:

                                    ¥This code raises an error because there isn’t a default object which you can import. Even though it feels like it should. For convenience, transpilers like Babel will automatically create a default if one isn’t created. Making the module look a bit more like:

                                    // @filename: utilFunctions.js
                                    const getStringLength = (str) => str.length;
                                    const allFunctions = {
                                    module.exports = allFunctions;
                                    module.exports.default = allFunctions;

                                    此标志不影响 TypeScript 触发的 JavaScript,它仅用于类型检查。此选项使 TypeScript 的行为与 Babel 保持一致,Babel 会触发额外的代码,使使用模块的默认导出更加符合人机工程学。

                                    ¥This flag does not affect the JavaScript emitted by TypeScript, it’s only for the type checking. This option brings the behavior of TypeScript in-line with Babel, where extra code is emitted to make using a default export of a module more ergonomic.

                                    # ES 模块互操作 - esModuleInterop

                                    默认情况下(esModuleInterop 为 false 或未设置),TypeScript 将 CommonJS/AMD/UMD 模块视为类似于 ES6 模块。在此过程中,有两个部分特别被证明是有缺陷的假设:

                                    ¥By default (with esModuleInterop false or not set) TypeScript treats CommonJS/AMD/UMD modules similar to ES6 modules. In doing this, there are two parts in particular which turned out to be flawed assumptions:

                                    • import * as moment from "moment" 这样的命名空间导入与 const moment = require("moment") 作用相同

                                      ¥a namespace import like import * as moment from "moment" acts the same as const moment = require("moment")

                                    • import moment from "moment" 这样的默认导入与 const moment = require("moment").default 作用相同

                                      ¥a default import like import moment from "moment" acts the same as const moment = require("moment").default


                                    ¥This mis-match causes these two issues:

                                    • ES6 模块规范规定命名空间导入 (import * as x) 只能是一个对象,通过让 TypeScript 将其视为与 = require("x") 相同的对象,TypeScript 允许将导入视为函数并可调用。根据规范,这是无效的。

                                      ¥the ES6 modules spec states that a namespace import (import * as x) can only be an object, by having TypeScript treating it the same as = require("x") then TypeScript allowed for the import to be treated as a function and be callable. That’s not valid according to the spec.

                                    • 虽然符合 ES6 模块规范,但大多数带有 CommonJS/AMD/UMD 模块的库并不像 TypeScript 的实现那样严格遵守。

                                      ¥while accurate to the ES6 modules spec, most libraries with CommonJS/AMD/UMD modules didn’t conform as strictly as TypeScript’s implementation.

                                    打开 esModuleInterop 将修复 TypeScript 转译的代码中的这两个问题。第一个改变了编译器中的行为,第二个由两个新的辅助函数修复,它们提供了一个垫片来确保触发的 JavaScript 中的兼容性:

                                    ¥Turning on esModuleInterop will fix both of these problems in the code transpiled by TypeScript. The first changes the behavior in the compiler, the second is fixed by two new helper functions which provide a shim to ensure compatibility in the emitted JavaScript:

                                    import * as fs from "fs";
                                    import _ from "lodash";
                                    fs.readFileSync("file.txt", "utf8");
                                    _.chunk(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 2);

                                    禁用 esModuleInterop 时:

                                    ¥With esModuleInterop disabled:

                                    "use strict";
                                    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
                                    const fs = require("fs");
                                    const lodash_1 = require("lodash");
                                    fs.readFileSync("file.txt", "utf8");
                                    lodash_1.default.chunk(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 2);

                                    esModuleInterop 设置为 true 后:

                                    ¥With esModuleInterop set to true:

                                    "use strict";
                                    var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
                                    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
                                    var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k);
                                    if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) {
                                    desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } };
                                    Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc);
                                    }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
                                    if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
                                    o[k2] = m[k];
                                    var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
                                    Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
                                    }) : function(o, v) {
                                    o["default"] = v;
                                    var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
                                    if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
                                    var result = {};
                                    if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
                                    __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
                                    return result;
                                    var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
                                    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
                                    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
                                    const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
                                    const lodash_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash"));
                                    fs.readFileSync("file.txt", "utf8");
                                    lodash_1.default.chunk(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 2);

                                    注意:命名空间导入 import * as fs from "fs" 仅考虑导入对象上的 拥有 属性(基本上是在对象上设置的属性,而不是通过原型链)。如果你要导入的模块使用继承属性定义其 API,则需要使用默认导入形式(import fs from "fs"),或禁用 esModuleInterop

                                    ¥Note: The namespace import import * as fs from "fs" only accounts for properties which are owned (basically properties set on the object and not via the prototype chain) on the imported object. If the module you’re importing defines its API using inherited properties, you need to use the default import form (import fs from "fs"), or disable esModuleInterop.

                                    注意:你可以通过启用 importHelpers 使 JS 触发更简洁的内容:

                                    ¥Note: You can make JS emit terser by enabling importHelpers:

                                    "use strict";
                                    Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
                                    const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
                                    const fs = tslib_1.__importStar(require("fs"));
                                    const lodash_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("lodash"));
                                    fs.readFileSync("file.txt", "utf8");
                                    lodash_1.default.chunk(["a", "b", "c", "d"], 2);

                                    启用 esModuleInterop 也将启用 allowSyntheticDefaultImports

                                    ¥Enabling esModuleInterop will also enable allowSyntheticDefaultImports.

                                    # 强制文件名一致大小写 - forceConsistentCasingInFileNames

                                    TypeScript 遵循其运行的文件系统的区分大小写规则。如果某些开发者在区分大小写的文件系统中工作而其他开发者没有,这可能会有问题。如果文件尝试通过指定 ./FileManager.ts 来导入 fileManager.ts,则该文件将在区分大小写的文件系统中找到,但在区分大小写的文件系统中找不到。

                                    ¥TypeScript follows the case sensitivity rules of the file system it’s running on. This can be problematic if some developers are working in a case-sensitive file system and others aren’t. If a file attempts to import fileManager.ts by specifying ./FileManager.ts the file will be found in a case-insensitive file system, but not on a case-sensitive file system.

                                    设置此选项后,如果程序尝试包含大小写与磁盘上的大小写不同的文件,TypeScript 将触发错误。

                                    ¥When this option is set, TypeScript will issue an error if a program tries to include a file by a casing different from the casing on disk.

                                    • 推荐
                                    • 默认:


                                    # isolatedDeclarations - isolatedDeclarations


                                    ¥Require sufficient annotation on exports so other tools can trivially generate declaration files.

                                    有关更多信息,请参阅 5.5 发行说明

                                    ¥For more information, see the 5.5 release notes

                                      # 隔离模块 - isolatedModules

                                      虽然你可以使用 TypeScript 从 TypeScript 代码生成 JavaScript 代码,但使用其他转译器(如 Babel)来执行此操作也很常见。但是,其他转译器一次只能对一个文件进行操作,这意味着它们无法应用依赖于理解完整类型系统的代码转换。此限制也适用于某些构建工具使用的 TypeScript 的 ts.transpileModule API。

                                      ¥While you can use TypeScript to produce JavaScript code from TypeScript code, it’s also common to use other transpilers such as Babel to do this. However, other transpilers only operate on a single file at a time, which means they can’t apply code transforms that depend on understanding the full type system. This restriction also applies to TypeScript’s ts.transpileModule API which is used by some build tools.

                                      这些限制可能会导致某些 TypeScript 功能(如 const enumnamespace)出现运行时问题。设置 isolatedModules 标志会告诉 TypeScript,如果你编写的某些代码无法由单文件转译过程正确解释,则它会触发警告。

                                      ¥These limitations can cause runtime problems with some TypeScript features like const enums and namespaces. Setting the isolatedModules flag tells TypeScript to warn you if you write certain code that can’t be correctly interpreted by a single-file transpilation process.

                                      它不会改变代码的行为,也不会改变 TypeScript 检查和触发过程的行为。

                                      ¥It does not change the behavior of your code, or otherwise change the behavior of TypeScript’s checking and emitting process.

                                      启用 isolatedModules 时,一些代码示例不起作用。

                                      ¥Some examples of code which does not work when isolatedModules is enabled.


                                      ¥Exports of Non-Value Identifiers

                                      在 TypeScript 中,你可以导入类型然后将其导出:

                                      ¥In TypeScript, you can import a type and then subsequently export it:

                                      import { someType, someFunction } from "someModule";
                                      export { someType, someFunction };

                                      因为 someType 没有值,所以触发的 export 将不会尝试导出它(这将是 JavaScript 中的运行时错误):

                                      ¥Because there’s no value for someType, the emitted export will not try to export it (this would be a runtime error in JavaScript):

                                      export { someFunction };

                                      单文件转译器不知道 someType 是否产生值,因此导出仅引用类型的名称是错误的。

                                      ¥Single-file transpilers don’t know whether someType produces a value or not, so it’s an error to export a name that only refers to a type.


                                      ¥Non-Module Files

                                      如果设置了 isolatedModules,则仅允许在模块中使用命名空间(这意味着它具有某种形式的 import/export)。如果在非模块文件中找到命名空间,则会发生错误:

                                      ¥If isolatedModules is set, namespaces are only allowed in modules (which means it has some form of import/export). An error occurs if a namespace is found in a non-module file:

                                      namespace Instantiated {
                                      Namespaces are not allowed in global script files when 'isolatedModules' is enabled. If this file is not intended to be a global script, set 'moduleDetection' to 'force' or add an empty 'export {}' statement.1280Namespaces are not allowed in global script files when 'isolatedModules' is enabled. If this file is not intended to be a global script, set 'moduleDetection' to 'force' or add an empty 'export {}' statement.
                                      export const x = 1;

                                      此限制不适用于 .d.ts 文件。

                                      ¥This restriction doesn’t apply to .d.ts files.

                                      const enum 成员的引用

                                      ¥References to const enum members

                                      在 TypeScript 中,当你引用 const enum 成员时,该引用将被其在触发的 JavaScript 中的实际值替换。更改此 TypeScript:

                                      ¥In TypeScript, when you reference a const enum member, the reference is replaced by its actual value in the emitted JavaScript. Changing this TypeScript:

                                      declare const enum Numbers {
                                      Zero = 0,
                                      One = 1,
                                      console.log(Numbers.Zero + Numbers.One);

                                      到这个 JavaScript:

                                      ¥To this JavaScript:

                                      "use strict";
                                      console.log(0 + 1);

                                      如果不知道这些成员的值,其他转译器就无法替换对 Numbers 的引用,如果不加理会,这将是一个运行时错误(因为运行时没有 Numbers 对象)。因此,当设置 isolatedModules 时,引用环境 const enum 成员是错误的。

                                      ¥Without knowledge of the values of these members, other transpilers can’t replace the references to Numbers, which would be a runtime error if left alone (since there are no Numbers object at runtime). Because of this, when isolatedModules is set, it is an error to reference an ambient const enum member.

                                      这是为了反映 Node.js 中的相同标志;它不会解析符号链接的实际路径。

                                      ¥This is to reflect the same flag in Node.js; which does not resolve the real path of symlinks.

                                      此标志还表现出与 Webpack 的 resolve.symlinks 选项相反的行为(即,将 TypeScript 的 preserveSymlinks 设置为 true 相当于将 Webpack 的 resolve.symlinks 设置为 false,反之亦然)。

                                      ¥This flag also exhibits the opposite behavior to Webpack’s resolve.symlinks option (i.e. setting TypeScript’s preserveSymlinks to true parallels setting Webpack’s resolve.symlinks to false, and vice-versa).

                                      启用此功能后,对模块和包的引用(例如 import/// <reference type="..." /> 指令)均相对于符号链接文件的位置进行解析,而不是相对于符号链接解析到的路径进行解析。

                                      ¥With this enabled, references to modules and packages (e.g. imports and /// <reference type="..." /> directives) are all resolved relative to the location of the symbolic link file, rather than relative to the path that the symbolic link resolves to.

                                        # 逐字模块语法 - verbatimModuleSyntax

                                        默认情况下,TypeScript 会执行称为导入省略的操作。基本上,如果你写类似的东西

                                        ¥By default, TypeScript does something called import elision. Basically, if you write something like

                                        import { Car } from "./car";
                                        export function drive(car: Car) {
                                        // ...

                                        TypeScript 检测到你仅对类型使用导入并完全删除导入。你的输出 JavaScript 可能看起来像这样:

                                        ¥TypeScript detects that you’re only using an import for types and drops the import entirely. Your output JavaScript might look something like this:

                                        export function drive(car) {
                                        // ...

                                        大多数情况下这很好,因为如果 Car 不是从 ./car 导出的值,我们会收到运行时错误。

                                        ¥Most of the time this is good, because if Car isn’t a value that’s exported from ./car, we’ll get a runtime error.

                                        但它确实为某些边缘情况增加了一层复杂性。例如,请注意没有像 import "./car"; 这样的语句 - 导入已完全删除。这实际上对具有副作用或没有副作用的模块产生了影响。

                                        ¥But it does add a layer of complexity for certain edge cases. For example, notice there’s no statement like import "./car"; - the import was dropped entirely. That actually makes a difference for modules that have side-effects or not.

                                        TypeScript 对 JavaScript 的 emit 策略还有另外几层复杂性 - 导入省略并不总是由导入的使用方式驱动 - 它通常也会参考值的声明方式。因此,并不总是清楚以下代码是否正确

                                        ¥TypeScript’s emit strategy for JavaScript also has another few layers of complexity - import elision isn’t always just driven by how an import is used - it often consults how a value is declared as well. So it’s not always clear whether code like the following

                                        export { Car } from "./car";

                                        应该保留或删除。如果 Car 声明为类似 class 的内容,则可以将其保留在生成的 JavaScript 文件中。但是,如果 Car 仅声明为 type 别名或 interface,则 JavaScript 文件根本不应该导出 Car

                                        ¥should be preserved or dropped. If Car is declared with something like a class, then it can be preserved in the resulting JavaScript file. But if Car is only declared as a type alias or interface, then the JavaScript file shouldn’t export Car at all.

                                        虽然 TypeScript 可能能够根据来自各个文件的信息做出这些触发决定,但并非每个编译器都可以。

                                        ¥While TypeScript might be able to make these emit decisions based on information from across files, not every compiler can.

                                        导入和导出上的 type 修饰符对这些情况有些帮助。我们可以明确说明导入或导出是否仅用于类型分析,并且可以通过使用 type 修饰符将其完全放在 JavaScript 文件中。

                                        ¥The type modifier on imports and exports helps with these situations a bit. We can make it explicit whether an import or export is only being used for type analysis, and can be dropped entirely in JavaScript files by using the type modifier.

                                        // This statement can be dropped entirely in JS output
                                        import type * as car from "./car";
                                        // The named import/export 'Car' can be dropped in JS output
                                        import { type Car } from "./car";
                                        export { type Car } from "./car";

                                        type 修饰符本身并不是很有用 - 默认情况下,模块省略仍将删除导入,并且没有什么强迫你区分 type 和普通导入和导出。因此,TypeScript 具有标志 --importsNotUsedAsValues 以确保你使用 type 修饰符,--preserveValueImports 以防止某些模块省略行为,--isolatedModules 以确保你的 TypeScript 代码可以在不同的编译器上运行。不幸的是,理解这 3 个标志的细节很难,并且仍然存在一些具有意外行为的边缘情况。

                                        ¥type modifiers are not quite useful on their own - by default, module elision will still drop imports, and nothing forces you to make the distinction between type and plain imports and exports. So TypeScript has the flag --importsNotUsedAsValues to make sure you use the type modifier, --preserveValueImports to prevent some module elision behavior, and --isolatedModules to make sure that your TypeScript code works across different compilers. Unfortunately, understanding the fine details of those 3 flags is hard, and there are still some edge cases with unexpected behavior.

                                        TypeScript 5.0 引入了一个名为 --verbatimModuleSyntax 的新选项来简化情况。规则要简单得多 - 任何没有 type 修饰符的导入或导出都会保留。任何使用 type 修饰符的内容都会被完全删除。

                                        ¥TypeScript 5.0 introduces a new option called --verbatimModuleSyntax to simplify the situation. The rules are much simpler - any imports or exports without a type modifier are left around. Anything that uses the type modifier is dropped entirely.

                                        // Erased away entirely.
                                        import type { A } from "a";
                                        // Rewritten to 'import { b } from "bcd";'
                                        import { b, type c, type d } from "bcd";
                                        // Rewritten to 'import {} from "xyz";'
                                        import { type xyz } from "xyz";


                                        ¥With this new option, what you see is what you get.

                                        不过,这在模块互操作方面确实有一些影响。在此标志下,当你的设置或文件扩展名暗示不同的模块系统时,ECMAScript importexport 不会被重写为 require 调用。相反,你会收到一个错误。如果你需要触发使用 requiremodule.exports 的代码,则必须使用早于 ES2015 的 TypeScript 模块语法:

                                        ¥That does have some implications when it comes to module interop though. Under this flag, ECMAScript imports and exports won’t be rewritten to require calls when your settings or file extension implied a different module system. Instead, you’ll get an error. If you need to emit code that uses require and module.exports, you’ll have to use TypeScript’s module syntax that predates ES2015:

                                        输入 TypeScript 输出 JavaScript
                                        import foo = require("foo");
                                        const foo = require("foo");
                                        function foo() {}
                                        function bar() {}
                                        function baz() {}
                                        export = {
                                        function foo() {}
                                        function bar() {}
                                        function baz() {}
                                        module.exports = {

                                        虽然这是一个限制,但它确实有助于使一些问题更加明显。例如,忘记在 --module node16 下设置 package.json 中的 type 字段 是很常见的。因此,开发者会在不知不觉中开始编写 CommonJS 模块而不是 ES 模块,从而给出令人惊讶的查找规则和 JavaScript 输出。这个新标志确保你有意使用文件类型,因为语法是故意不同的。

                                        ¥While this is a limitation, it does help make some issues more obvious. For example, it’s very common to forget to set the type field in package.json under --module node16. As a result, developers would start writing CommonJS modules instead of an ES modules without realizing it, giving surprising lookup rules and JavaScript output. This new flag ensures that you’re intentional about the file type you’re using because the syntax is intentionally different.

                                        因为 --verbatimModuleSyntax 提供了比 --importsNotUsedAsValues--preserveValueImports 更一致的故事,所以这两个现有标志被弃用以支持它。

                                        ¥Because --verbatimModuleSyntax provides a more consistent story than --importsNotUsedAsValues and --preserveValueImports, those two existing flags are being deprecated in its favor.

                                        有关更多详细信息,请阅读 原始拉取请求其提案问题

                                        ¥For more details, read up on the original pull request and its proposal issue.


                                          # 字符集 - charset

                                          在 TypeScript 的早期版本中,这控制了从磁盘读取文本文件时使用的编码。目前,TypeScript 假定使用 UTF-8 编码,但可以正确检测 UTF-16(BE 和 LE)或 UTF-8 BOM。

                                          ¥In prior versions of TypeScript, this controlled what encoding was used when reading text files from disk. Today, TypeScript assumes UTF-8 encoding, but will correctly detect UTF-16 (BE and LE) or UTF-8 BOMs.

                                          • 弃用
                                          • 默认:


                                          # 导入不用作值 - importsNotUsedAsValues

                                          已弃用,转而使用 verbatimModuleSyntax

                                          ¥Deprecated in favor of verbatimModuleSyntax.

                                          此标志控制 import 的工作方式,有 3 种不同的选项:

                                          ¥This flag controls how import works, there are 3 different options:

                                          • remove:默认行为是删除仅引用类型的 import 语句。

                                            ¥remove: The default behavior of dropping import statements which only reference types.

                                          • preserve:保留所有从未使用其值或类型的 import 语句。这可能导致导入/副作用被保留。

                                            ¥preserve: Preserves all import statements whose values or types are never used. This can cause imports/side-effects to be preserved.

                                          • error:这会保留所有导入(与保留选项相同),但当值导入仅用作类型时会出错。如果你想确保没有意外导入任何值,但仍使副作用导入明确,这可能会很有用。

                                            ¥error: This preserves all imports (the same as the preserve option), but will error when a value import is only used as a type. This might be useful if you want to ensure no values are being accidentally imported, but still make side-effect imports explicit.

                                          此标志有效,因为你可以使用 import type 明确创建 import 语句,该语句永远不应发送到 JavaScript。

                                          ¥This flag works because you can use import type to explicitly create an import statement which should never be emitted into JavaScript.

                                          # 仅 Keyof 字符串 - keyofStringsOnly

                                          当应用于具有字符串索引签名的类型时,此标志会将 keyof 类型运算符更改为返回 string 而不是 string | number

                                          ¥This flag changes the keyof type operator to return string instead of string | number when applied to a type with a string index signature.

                                          此标志用于帮助人们避免 TypeScript 2.9 发布之前 中的这种行为。

                                          ¥This flag is used to help people keep this behavior from before TypeScript 2.9’s release.

                                          • 弃用
                                          • 版本:


                                          # 无隐式使用严格 - noImplicitUseStrict

                                          你不需要这个。默认情况下,当将模块文件发送到非 ES6 目标时,TypeScript 会在文件顶部触发 "use strict"; 序言。此设置禁用序言。

                                          ¥You shouldn’t need this. By default, when emitting a module file to a non-ES6 target, TypeScript emits a "use strict"; prologue at the top of the file. This setting disables the prologue.

                                            # 无严格通用检查 - noStrictGenericChecks

                                            TypeScript 将在比较两个泛型函数时统一类型参数。

                                            ¥TypeScript will unify type parameters when comparing two generic functions.

                                            type A = <T, U>(x: T, y: U) => [T, U];
                                            type B = <S>(x: S, y: S) => [S, S];
                                            function f(a: A, b: B) {
                                            b = a; // Ok
                                            a = b; // Error
                                            Type 'B' is not assignable to type 'A'. Types of parameters 'y' and 'y' are incompatible. Type 'U' is not assignable to type 'T'. 'T' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'U'.2322Type 'B' is not assignable to type 'A'. Types of parameters 'y' and 'y' are incompatible. Type 'U' is not assignable to type 'T'. 'T' could be instantiated with an arbitrary type which could be unrelated to 'U'.


                                            ¥This flag can be used to remove that check.

                                            # 输出 - out

                                            改用 outFile

                                            ¥Use outFile instead.

                                            out 选项以不可预测或不一致的方式计算最终文件位置。此选项仅为向后兼容而保留,已弃用。

                                            ¥The out option computes the final file location in a way that is not predictable or consistent. This option is retained for backward compatibility only and is deprecated.

                                            # 保留值导入 - preserveValueImports

                                            已弃用,转而使用 verbatimModuleSyntax

                                            ¥Deprecated in favor of verbatimModuleSyntax.

                                            在某些情况下,TypeScript 无法检测到你正在使用导入。例如,采用以下代码:

                                            ¥There are some cases where TypeScript can’t detect that you’re using an import. For example, take the following code:

                                            import { Animal } from "./animal.js";
                                            eval("console.log(new Animal().isDangerous())");

                                            或使用 ‘编译为 HTML’ 语言(如 Svelte 或 Vue)编写代码。preserveValueImports 将阻止 TypeScript 删除导入,即使它看起来未使用。

                                            ¥or code using ‘Compiles to HTML’ languages like Svelte or Vue. preserveValueImports will prevent TypeScript from removing the import, even if it appears unused.

                                            isolatedModules 结合使用时:导入的类型必须标记为仅类型,因为一次处理单个文件的编译器无法知道导入是未使用的值,还是必须删除以避免运行时崩溃的类型。

                                            ¥When combined with isolatedModules: imported types must be marked as type-only because compilers that process single files at a time have no way of knowing whether imports are values that appear unused, or a type that must be removed in order to avoid a runtime crash.

                                            # 抑制多余属性错误 - suppressExcessPropertyErrors


                                            ¥This disables reporting of excess property errors, such as the one shown in the following example:

                                            type Point = { x: number; y: number };
                                            const p: Point = { x: 1, y: 3, m: 10 };
                                            Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'm' does not exist in type 'Point'.2353Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'm' does not exist in type 'Point'.

                                            添加此标志是为了帮助人们迁移到 TypeScript 1.6 中对新对象字面量的更严格检查。

                                            ¥This flag was added to help people migrate to the stricter checking of new object literals in TypeScript 1.6.

                                            我们不建议在现代代码库中使用此标志,你可以使用 // @ts-ignore 抑制需要它的一次性情况。

                                            ¥We don’t recommend using this flag in a modern codebase, you can suppress one-off cases where you need it using // @ts-ignore.

                                              # 抑制隐式任何索引错误 - suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors

                                              打开 suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors 会抑制在索引对象时报告有关隐式任何的错误,如下例所示:

                                              ¥Turning suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors on suppresses reporting the error about implicit anys when indexing into objects, as shown in the following example:

                                              const obj = { x: 10 };
                                              Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type '"foo"' can't be used to index type '{ x: number; }'. Property 'foo' does not exist on type '{ x: number; }'.7053Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type '"foo"' can't be used to index type '{ x: number; }'. Property 'foo' does not exist on type '{ x: number; }'.

                                              使用 suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors 是一种相当激进的方法。建议改用 @ts-ignore 注释:

                                              ¥Using suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors is quite a drastic approach. It is recommended to use a @ts-ignore comment instead:

                                              const obj = { x: 10 };
                                              // @ts-ignore


                                              # 触发装饰器元数据 - emitDecoratorMetadata

                                              启用实验性支持,为与模块 reflect-metadata 一起使用的装饰器触发类型元数据。

                                              ¥Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators which works with the module reflect-metadata.

                                              例如,这是 TypeScript

                                              ¥For example, here is the TypeScript

                                              function LogMethod(
                                              target: any,
                                              propertyKey: string | symbol,
                                              descriptor: PropertyDescriptor
                                              ) {
                                              class Demo {
                                              public foo(bar: number) {
                                              // do nothing
                                              const demo = new Demo();

                                              如果 emitDecoratorMetadata 未设置为 true(默认),则触发的 JavaScript 为: ===

                                              ¥With emitDecoratorMetadata not set to true (default) the emitted JavaScript is:

                                              "use strict";
                                              var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
                                              var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
                                              if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
                                              else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
                                              return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
                                              function LogMethod(target, propertyKey, descriptor) {
                                              class Demo {
                                              foo(bar) {
                                              // do nothing
                                              ], Demo.prototype, "foo", null);
                                              const demo = new Demo();

                                              emitDecoratorMetadata 设置为 true 后,触发的 JavaScript 为:

                                              ¥With emitDecoratorMetadata set to true the emitted JavaScript is:

                                              "use strict";
                                              var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
                                              var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
                                              if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
                                              else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
                                              return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
                                              var __metadata = (this && this.__metadata) || function (k, v) {
                                              if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata === "function") return Reflect.metadata(k, v);
                                              function LogMethod(target, propertyKey, descriptor) {
                                              class Demo {
                                              foo(bar) {
                                              // do nothing
                                              __metadata("design:type", Function),
                                              __metadata("design:paramtypes", [Number]),
                                              __metadata("design:returntype", void 0)
                                              ], Demo.prototype, "foo", null);
                                              const demo = new Demo();

                                              # 实验性装饰器 - experimentalDecorators

                                              启用 对装饰器的实验性支持,这是早于 TC39 标准化过程的装饰器版本。

                                              ¥Enables experimental support for decorators, which is a version of decorators that predates the TC39 standardization process.

                                              装饰器是一种语言功能,尚未完全批准到 JavaScript 规范中。这意味着 TypeScript 中的实现版本可能与 TC39 决定的 JavaScript 中的实现不同。

                                              ¥Decorators are a language feature which hasn’t yet been fully ratified into the JavaScript specification. This means that the implementation version in TypeScript may differ from the implementation in JavaScript when it it decided by TC39.

                                              你可以在 手册 中找到有关 TypeScript 中装饰器支持的更多信息。

                                              ¥You can find out more about decorator support in TypeScript in the handbook.

                                              # JSX - jsx

                                              控制如何在 JavaScript 文件中触发 JSX 构造。这只会影响从 .tsx 文件中启动的 JS 文件的输出。

                                              ¥Controls how JSX constructs are emitted in JavaScript files. This only affects output of JS files that started in .tsx files.

                                              • react-jsx:触发 .js 文件,其中 JSX 更改为针对生产优化的 _jsx 调用

                                                ¥react-jsx: Emit .js files with the JSX changed to _jsx calls optimized for production

                                              • react-jsxdev:触发 .js 文件,其中 JSX 更改为仅供开发使用的 _jsx 调用

                                                ¥react-jsxdev: Emit .js files with the JSX changed to _jsx calls for development only

                                              • preserve:触发 .jsx 文件,其中 JSX 保持不变

                                                ¥preserve: Emit .jsx files with the JSX unchanged

                                              • react-native:触发 .js 文件,其中 JSX 保持不变

                                                ¥react-native: Emit .js files with the JSX unchanged

                                              • react:触发 .js 文件,其中 JSX 更改为等效的 React.createElement 调用

                                                ¥react: Emit .js files with JSX changed to the equivalent React.createElement calls


                                              ¥For example


                                              ¥This sample code:

                                              export const HelloWorld = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;


                                              import { jsx as _jsx } from "react/jsx-runtime";
                                              export const HelloWorld = () => _jsx("h1", { children: "Hello world" });

                                              React dev 转换:"react-jsxdev"[1]

                                              ¥React dev transform: "react-jsxdev"[1]

                                              import { jsxDEV as _jsxDEV } from "react/jsx-dev-runtime";
                                              const _jsxFileName = "/Users/q/code/nodejscn/typescript/src/packages/typescriptlang-org/index.tsx";
                                              export const HelloWorld = () => _jsxDEV("h1", { children: "Hello world" }, void 0, false, { fileName: _jsxFileName, lineNumber: 9, columnNumber: 32 }, this);


                                              ¥Preserve: "preserve"

                                              import React from 'react';
                                              export const HelloWorld = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;

                                              React Native:"react-native"

                                              import React from 'react';
                                              export const HelloWorld = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;

                                              旧版 React 运行时:"react"

                                              ¥Legacy React runtime: "react"

                                              import React from 'react';
                                              export const HelloWorld = () => React.createElement("h1", null, "Hello world");

                                              此选项也可以按文件使用,使用 @jsxRuntime 注释。

                                              ¥This option can be used on a per-file basis too using an @jsxRuntime comment.


                                              ¥Always use the classic runtime ("react") for this file:

                                              /* @jsxRuntime classic */
                                              export const HelloWorld = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;


                                              ¥Always use the automatic runtime ("react-jsx") for this file:

                                              /* @jsxRuntime automatic */
                                              export const HelloWorld = () => <h1>Hello world</h1>;

                                              # JSX 工厂 - jsxFactory

                                              使用经典 JSX 运行时编译 JSX 元素时更改 .js 文件中调用的函数。最常见的变化是使用 "h""preact.h",而不是使用默认的 "React.createElement"(如果使用 preact)。

                                              ¥Changes the function called in .js files when compiling JSX Elements using the classic JSX runtime. The most common change is to use "h" or "preact.h" instead of the default "React.createElement" if using preact.

                                              例如,这个 TSX 文件:

                                              ¥For example, this TSX file:

                                              import { h } from "preact";
                                              const HelloWorld = () => <div>Hello</div>;

                                              使用 jsxFactory: "h" 时如下所示:

                                              ¥With jsxFactory: "h" looks like:

                                              const preact_1 = require("preact");
                                              const HelloWorld = () => (0, preact_1.h)("div", null, "Hello");

                                              此选项也可以按文件使用,类似于 Babel 的 /** @jsx h */ 指令

                                              ¥This option can be used on a per-file basis too similar to Babel’s /** @jsx h */ directive.

                                              /** @jsx h */
                                              import { h } from "preact";
                                              Cannot find module 'preact' or its corresponding type declarations.2307Cannot find module 'preact' or its corresponding type declarations.
                                              const HelloWorld = () => <div>Hello</div>;

                                              在回退到全局命名空间之前,所选的工厂还会影响查找 JSX 命名空间的位置(用于类型检查信息)。

                                              ¥The factory chosen will also affect where the JSX namespace is looked up (for type checking information) before falling back to the global one.

                                              如果工厂定义为 React.createElement(默认值),则编译器将在检查全局 JSX 之前检查 React.JSX。如果工厂定义为 h,它将在全局 JSX 之前检查 h.JSX

                                              ¥If the factory is defined as React.createElement (the default), the compiler will check for React.JSX before checking for a global JSX. If the factory is defined as h, it will check for h.JSX before a global JSX.

                                              # JSX 片段工厂 - jsxFragmentFactory

                                              指定在以指定了 jsxFactory 编译器选项的 react JSX 触发为目标时要使用的 JSX 片段工厂函数,例如 Fragment

                                              ¥Specify the JSX fragment factory function to use when targeting react JSX emit with jsxFactory compiler option is specified, e.g. Fragment.

                                              例如,使用此 TSConfig:

                                              ¥For example with this TSConfig:

                                              "": "esnext",
                                              "": "commonjs",
                                              "": "react",
                                              "": "h",
                                              "": "Fragment"

                                              这个 TSX 文件:

                                              ¥This TSX file:

                                              import { h, Fragment } from "preact";
                                              const HelloWorld = () => (


                                              ¥Would look like:

                                              const preact_1 = require("preact");
                                              const HelloWorld = () => ((0, preact_1.h)(preact_1.Fragment, null,
                                              (0, preact_1.h)("div", null, "Hello")));

                                              此选项也可以按文件使用,类似于 Babel 的 /* @jsxFrag h */ 指令

                                              ¥This option can be used on a per-file basis too similar to Babel’s /* @jsxFrag h */ directive.


                                              ¥For example:

                                              /** @jsx h */
                                              /** @jsxFrag Fragment */
                                              import { h, Fragment } from "preact";
                                              Cannot find module 'preact' or its corresponding type declarations.2307Cannot find module 'preact' or its corresponding type declarations.
                                              const HelloWorld = () => (

                                              # JSX 导入源 - jsxImportSource

                                              声明模块说明符用于在将 jsx 用作 TypeScript 4.1 中引入的 "react-jsx""react-jsxdev" 时导入 jsxjsxs 工厂函数。

                                              ¥Declares the module specifier to be used for importing the jsx and jsxs factory functions when using jsx as "react-jsx" or "react-jsxdev" which were introduced in TypeScript 4.1.

                                              使用 React 17 后,库通过单独导入支持一种新形式的 JSX 转换。

                                              ¥With React 17 the library supports a new form of JSX transformation via a separate import.


                                              ¥For example with this code:

                                              import React from "react";
                                              function App() {
                                              return <h1>Hello World</h1>;

                                              使用此 TSConfig:

                                              ¥Using this TSConfig:

                                              "": "esnext",
                                              "": "commonjs",
                                              "": "react-jsx"

                                              TypeScript 触发的 JavaScript 是:

                                              ¥The emitted JavaScript from TypeScript is:

                                              "use strict";
                                              Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
                                              const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
                                              function App() {
                                              return (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)("h1", { children: "Hello World" });

                                              例如,如果你想使用 "jsxImportSource": "preact",则需要类似这样的 tsconfig:

                                              ¥For example if you wanted to use "jsxImportSource": "preact", you need a tsconfig like:

                                              "": "esnext",
                                              "": "commonjs",
                                              "": "react-jsx",
                                              "": "preact",
                                              "": ["preact"]


                                              ¥Which generates code like:

                                              function App() {
                                              return (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)("h1", { children: "Hello World" });


                                              ¥Alternatively, you can use a per-file pragma to set this option, for example:

                                              /** @jsxImportSource preact */
                                              export function App() {
                                              return <h1>Hello World</h1>;

                                              将添加 preact/jsx-runtime 作为 _jsx 工厂的导入。

                                              ¥Would add preact/jsx-runtime as an import for the _jsx factory.

                                              注意:为了使其按你预期的方式工作,你的 tsx 文件必须包含 exportimport,以便将其视为模块。

                                              ¥Note: In order for this to work like you would expect, your tsx file must include an export or import so that it is considered a module.

                                              # Lib - lib

                                              TypeScript 包含一组用于内置 JS API(如 Math)的默认类型定义,以及用于浏览器环境中发现的事物的类型定义(如 document)。TypeScript 还包括与你指定的 target 匹配的较新 JS 功能的 API;例如,如果 targetES6 或更新版本,则 Map 的定义可用。

                                              ¥TypeScript includes a default set of type definitions for built-in JS APIs (like Math), as well as type definitions for things found in browser environments (like document). TypeScript also includes APIs for newer JS features matching the target you specify; for example the definition for Map is available if target is ES6 or newer.


                                              ¥You may want to change these for a few reasons:

                                              • 你的程序不在浏览器中运行,因此你不需要 "dom" 类型定义

                                                ¥Your program doesn’t run in a browser, so you don’t want the "dom" type definitions

                                              • 你的运行时平台提供了某些 JavaScript API 对象(可能通过 polyfill),但尚不支持给定 ECMAScript 版本的完整语法

                                                ¥Your runtime platform provides certain JavaScript API objects (maybe through polyfills), but doesn’t yet support the full syntax of a given ECMAScript version

                                              • 你拥有部分(但不是全部)更高级别 ECMAScript 版本的 polyfill 或原生实现

                                                ¥You have polyfills or native implementations for some, but not all, of a higher level ECMAScript version

                                              在 TypeScript 4.5 中,lib 文件可以被 npm 模块覆盖,了解更多 在博客中

                                              ¥In TypeScript 4.5, lib files can be overridden by npm modules, find out more in the blog.


                                              ¥High Level libraries

                                              名称 内容
                                              ES5 所有 ES5 功能的核心定义
                                              ES2015 ES2015(也称为 ES6)中可用的其他 API - array.findPromiseProxySymbolMapSetReflect 等。
                                              ES6 “ES2015” 的别名
                                              ES2016 ES2016 中可用的其他 API - array.include
                                              ES7 “ES2016” 的别名
                                              ES2017 ES2017 中可用的其他 API - Object.entriesObject.valuesAtomicsSharedArrayBufferdate.formatToParts、类型数组等。
                                              ES2018 ES2018 中可用的其他 API - async 可迭代对象、promise.finallyIntl.PluralRulesregexp.groups 等。
                                              ES2019 ES2019 中可用的其他 API - array.flatarray.flatMapObject.fromEntriesstring.trimStartstring.trimEnd 等。
                                              ES2020 ES2020 中可用的其他 API - string.matchAll
                                              ES2021 ES2021 中可用的其他 API - promise.anystring.replaceAll
                                              ES2022 ES2022 中可用的其他 API - array.atRegExp.hasIndices
                                              ES2023 ES2023 中可用的其他 API - array.witharray.findLastarray.findLastIndexarray.toSortedarray.toReversed 等。
                                              ESNext ESNext 中可用的其他 API - 这会随着 JavaScript 规范的发展而变化
                                              DOM DOM 定义 - windowdocument
                                              WebWorker WebWorker 上下文中可用的 API
                                              ScriptHost Windows 脚本托管系统 的 API


                                              ¥Individual library components


                                              此列表可能已过时,你可以在 TypeScript 源代码 中查看完整列表。

                                              ¥This list may be out of date, you can see the full list in the TypeScript source code.

                                              # 模块检测 - moduleDetection

                                              此设置控制 TypeScript 如何确定文件是否为 脚本或模块

                                              ¥This setting controls how TypeScript determines whether a file is a script or a module.


                                              ¥There are three choices:

                                              • "auto"(默认) - TypeScript 不仅会查找 import 和 export 语句,还会在使用 module 运行时检查 package.json 中的 "type" 字段是否设置为 "module"nodenextnode16,并在 jsx 下运行时检查当前文件是否为 JSX 文件:react-jsx

                                                ¥"auto" (default) - TypeScript will not only look for import and export statements, but it will also check whether the "type" field in a package.json is set to "module" when running with module: nodenext or node16, and check whether the current file is a JSX file when running under jsx: react-jsx.

                                              • "legacy" - 与 4.6 及之前版本的行为相同,使用 import 和 export 语句来确定文件是否为模块。

                                                ¥"legacy" - The same behavior as 4.6 and prior, usings import and export statements to determine whether a file is a module.

                                              • "force" - 确保每个非声明文件都被视为模块。

                                                ¥"force" - Ensures that every non-declaration file is treated as a module.

                                              • 默认:

                                                "auto": Treat files with imports, exports, import.meta, jsx (with jsx: react-jsx), or esm format (with module: node16+) as modules.

                                              • 允许:
                                                • legacy

                                                • auto

                                                • force

                                              • 版本:


                                              # 无库 - noLib

                                              禁用任何库文件的自动包含。如果设置了此选项,则忽略 lib

                                              ¥Disables the automatic inclusion of any library files. If this option is set, lib is ignored.

                                              如果没有一组关键原语的接口,TypeScript 就无法编译任何东西,例如:ArrayBooleanFunctionIArgumentsNumberObjectRegExpString。如果你使用 noLib,预计你将为这些设置包含你自己的类型定义。

                                              ¥TypeScript cannot compile anything without a set of interfaces for key primitives like: Array, Boolean, Function, IArguments, Number, Object, RegExp, and String. It is expected that if you use noLib you will be including your own type definitions for these.

                                              # React 命名空间 - reactNamespace

                                              改用 jsxFactory。指定在针对 TSX 文件的 react 时为 createElement 调用的对象。

                                              ¥Use jsxFactory instead. Specify the object invoked for createElement when targeting react for TSX files.

                                              • 默认:


                                              # 目标 - target

                                              现代浏览器支持所有 ES6 功能,因此 ES6 是一个不错的选择。如果你的代码部署到较旧的环境,你可能选择设置较低的目标,或者如果你的代码保证在较新的环境中运行,你可能选择设置较高的目标。

                                              ¥Modern browsers support all ES6 features, so ES6 is a good choice. You might choose to set a lower target if your code is deployed to older environments, or a higher target if your code is guaranteed to run in newer environments.

                                              target 设置会更改哪些 JS 功能被降级以及哪些功能保持不变。例如,如果 target 是 ES5 或更低版本,则箭头函数 () => this 将转换为等效的 function 表达式。

                                              ¥The target setting changes which JS features are downleveled and which are left intact. For example, an arrow function () => this will be turned into an equivalent function expression if target is ES5 or lower.

                                              更改 target 也会更改 lib 的默认值。你可以根据需要设置 “混合搭配” targetlib,但为了方便起见,你可以只设置 target

                                              ¥Changing target also changes the default value of lib. You may “mix and match” target and lib settings as desired, but you could just set target for convenience.

                                              对于 Node 等开发者平台,target 有基线,具体取决于平台类型及其版本。你可以在 tsconfig/bases 找到一组社区组织的 TSConfig,其中包含常见平台及其版本的配置。

                                              ¥For developer platforms like Node there are baselines for the target, depending on the type of platform and its version. You can find a set of community organized TSConfigs at tsconfig/bases, which has configurations for common platforms and their versions.

                                              特殊的 ESNext 值指的是你的 TypeScript 版本支持的最高版本。应谨慎使用此设置,因为它在不同的 TypeScript 版本之间并不意味着相同的事情,并且会使升级变得不那么可预测。

                                              ¥The special ESNext value refers to the highest version your version of TypeScript supports. This setting should be used with caution, since it doesn’t mean the same thing between different TypeScript versions and can make upgrades less predictable.

                                              • 默认:


                                              • 允许:
                                                • es3

                                                • es5

                                                • es6/es2015

                                                • es2016

                                                • es2017

                                                • es2018

                                                • es2019

                                                • es2020

                                                • es2021

                                                • es2022

                                                • es2023

                                                • esnext

                                              • 版本:


                                              # 使用 Define 作为类字段 - useDefineForClassFields

                                              此标志用于迁移到即将推出的类字段标准版本。TypeScript 在 TC39 批准之前很多年就引入了类字段。即将发布的规范的最新版本具有与 TypeScript 实现不同的运行时行为,但语法相同。

                                              ¥This flag is used as part of migrating to the upcoming standard version of class fields. TypeScript introduced class fields many years before it was ratified in TC39. The latest version of the upcoming specification has a different runtime behavior to TypeScript’s implementation but the same syntax.

                                              此标志切换到即将推出的 ECMA 运行时行为。

                                              ¥This flag switches to the upcoming ECMA runtime behavior.

                                              你可以在 3.7 发行说明 中阅读有关转换的更多信息。

                                              ¥You can read more about the transition in the 3.7 release notes.

                                              • 默认:

                                                true if target is ES2022 or higher, including ESNext; false otherwise.

                                              • 版本:



                                              # 诊断 - diagnostics

                                              用于输出诊断信息以进行调试。此命令是 extendedDiagnostics 的子集,其结果更面向用户,也更易于解释。

                                              ¥Used to output diagnostic information for debugging. This command is a subset of extendedDiagnostics which are more user-facing results, and easier to interpret.

                                              如果 TypeScript 编译器工程师要求你在编译中使用此标志给出结果,则使用 extendedDiagnostics 没有任何危害。

                                              ¥If you have been asked by a TypeScript compiler engineer to give the results using this flag in a compile, in which there is no harm in using extendedDiagnostics instead.

                                              # 解释文件 - explainFiles

                                              打印 TypeScript 视为项目一部分的文件的名称以及它们成为编译的一部分的原因。

                                              ¥Print names of files which TypeScript sees as a part of your project and the reason they are part of the compilation.

                                              例如,此项目只有一个 index.ts 文件

                                              ¥For example, with this project of just a single index.ts file

                                              ├── index.ts
                                              ├── package.json
                                              └── tsconfig.json

                                              使用将 explainFiles 设置为 true 的 tsconfig.json

                                              ¥Using a tsconfig.json which has explainFiles set to true:

                                              "compilerOptions": {
                                              "target": "es5",
                                              "module": "commonjs",
                                              "explainFiles": true

                                              针对此文件夹运行 TypeScript 将产生如下输出:

                                              ¥Running TypeScript against this folder would have output like this:

                                              ❯ tsc
                                              Default library for target 'es5'
                                              Library referenced via 'es5' from file 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'
                                              Library referenced via 'dom' from file 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'
                                              Library referenced via 'webworker.importscripts' from file 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'
                                              Library referenced via 'scripthost' from file 'node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.d.ts'
                                              Matched by include pattern '**/*' in 'tsconfig.json'


                                              ¥The output above show:

                                              • 基于 target 的初始 lib.d.ts 查找,以及引用的 .d.ts 文件链

                                                ¥The initial lib.d.ts lookup based on target, and the chain of .d.ts files which are referenced

                                              • 通过 include 的默认模式定位的 index.ts 文件

                                                ¥The index.ts file located via the default pattern of include


                                              ¥This option is intended for debugging how a file has become a part of your compile.

                                              # 扩展诊断 - extendedDiagnostics

                                              你可以使用此标志来发现 TypeScript 在编译时花费时间的地方。这是一个用于整体了解代码库性能特性的工具。

                                              ¥You can use this flag to discover where TypeScript is spending its time when compiling. This is a tool used for understanding the performance characteristics of your codebase overall.

                                              你可以在性能 wiki 部分 中了解有关如何测量和理解输出的更多信息。

                                              ¥You can learn more about how to measure and understand the output in the performance section of the wiki.

                                              # 生成 CPU 配置文件 - generateCpuProfile

                                              此选项使你有机会在编译器运行期间让 TypeScript 触发 v8 CPU 配置文件。CPU 配置文件可以深入了解你的构建速度缓慢的原因。

                                              ¥This option gives you the chance to have TypeScript emit a v8 CPU profile during the compiler run. The CPU profile can provide insight into why your builds may be slow.

                                              此选项只能通过 CLI 使用:--generateCpuProfile tsc-output.cpuprofile

                                              ¥This option can only be used from the CLI via: --generateCpuProfile tsc-output.cpuprofile.

                                              npm run tsc --generateCpuProfile tsc-output.cpuprofile

                                              此文件可以在基于 chromium 的浏览器(如 Chrome 或 Edge Developer)的 CPU 分析器 部分中打开。你可以在 TypeScript wiki 性能部分 中了解有关理解编译器性能的更多信息。

                                              ¥This file can be opened in a chromium based browser like Chrome or Edge Developer in the CPU profiler section. You can learn more about understanding the compilers performance in the TypeScript wiki section on performance.

                                              • 默认:


                                              • 版本:


                                              # generateTrace - generateTrace


                                              ¥Generates an event trace and a list of types.

                                                # 列出已触发的文件 - listEmittedFiles


                                                ¥Print names of generated files part of the compilation to the terminal.


                                                ¥This flag is useful in two cases:

                                                • 你希望将 TypeScript 作为终端中构建链的一部分进行转译,文件名将在下一个命令中处理。

                                                  ¥You want to transpile TypeScript as a part of a build chain in the terminal where the filenames are processed in the next command.

                                                • 你不确定 TypeScript 是否已包含你期望的文件,作为调试 文件包含设置 的一部分。

                                                  ¥You are not sure that TypeScript has included a file you expected, as a part of debugging the file inclusion settings.


                                                ¥For example:

                                                ├── index.ts
                                                ├── package.json
                                                └── tsconfig.json



                                                "": true,


                                                ¥Would echo paths like:

                                                $ npm run tsc

                                                通常,TypeScript 会在成功时默默返回。

                                                ¥Normally, TypeScript would return silently on success.

                                                  # 列出文件 - listFiles

                                                  打印编译文件的一部分的名称。当你不确定 TypeScript 是否包含了你期望的文件时,这很有用。

                                                  ¥Print names of files part of the compilation. This is useful when you are not sure that TypeScript has included a file you expected.


                                                  ¥For example:

                                                  ├── index.ts
                                                  ├── package.json
                                                  └── tsconfig.json



                                                  "": true


                                                  ¥Would echo paths like:

                                                  $ npm run tsc

                                                  请注意,如果使用 TypeScript 4.2,最好使用 explainFiles,因为它会解释为什么添加文件。

                                                  ¥Note if using TypeScript 4.2, prefer explainFiles which offers an explanation of why a file was added too.

                                                  # noCheck - noCheck


                                                  ¥Disable full type checking (only critical parse and emit errors will be reported).

                                                    # 跟踪解析 - traceResolution

                                                    当你尝试调试未包含模块的原因时。你可以将 traceResolution 设置为 true,让 TypeScript 打印有关每个已处理文件的解析过程的信息。

                                                    ¥When you are trying to debug why a module isn’t being included. You can set traceResolution to true to have TypeScript print information about its resolution process for each processed file.


                                                    # 复合 - composite

                                                    composite 选项强制执行某些约束,使构建工具(包括 --build 模式下的 TypeScript 本身)能够快速确定项目是否已构建。

                                                    ¥The composite option enforces certain constraints which make it possible for build tools (including TypeScript itself, under --build mode) to quickly determine if a project has been built yet.


                                                    ¥When this setting is on:

                                                    • 如果未明确设置,rootDir 设置默认为包含 tsconfig.json 文件的目录。

                                                      ¥The rootDir setting, if not explicitly set, defaults to the directory containing the tsconfig.json file.

                                                    • 所有实现文件必须与 include 模式匹配或列在 files 数组中。如果违反此约束,tsc 将通知你未指定哪些文件。

                                                      ¥All implementation files must be matched by an include pattern or listed in the files array. If this constraint is violated, tsc will inform you which files weren’t specified.

                                                    • declaration 默认为 true

                                                      ¥declaration defaults to true

                                                    你可以在 手册 中找到有关 TypeScript 项目的文档。

                                                    ¥You can find documentation on TypeScript projects in the handbook.

                                                    # 禁用引用项目加载 - disableReferencedProjectLoad

                                                    在多项目 TypeScript 程序中,TypeScript 会将所有可用项目加载到内存中,以便为需要完整知识图谱(如 ‘查找所有参考’)的编辑器响应提供准确的结果。

                                                    ¥In multi-project TypeScript programs, TypeScript will load all of the available projects into memory in order to provide accurate results for editor responses which require a full knowledge graph like ‘Find All References’.

                                                    如果你的项目很大,你可以使用标志 disableReferencedProjectLoad 禁用所有项目的自动加载。相反,当你通过编辑器打开文件时,项目会动态加载。

                                                    ¥If your project is large, you can use the flag disableReferencedProjectLoad to disable the automatic loading of all projects. Instead, projects are loaded dynamically as you open files through your editor.

                                                    # 禁用解决方案搜索 - disableSolutionSearching

                                                    使用 复合 TypeScript 项目 时,此选项提供了一种方法来声明你不希望在使用编辑器中查找所有引用或跳转到定义等功能时包含项目。

                                                    ¥When working with composite TypeScript projects, this option provides a way to declare that you do not want a project to be included when using features like find all references or jump to definition in an editor.


                                                    ¥This flag is something you can use to increase responsiveness in large composite projects.

                                                    # 禁用源项目引用重定向 - disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect

                                                    使用 复合 TypeScript 项目 时,此选项提供了一种方法来实现 回到 3.7 之前的版本 行为,其中 d.ts 文件被用作模块之间的边界。在 3.7 中,事实来源现在是你的 TypeScript 文件。

                                                    ¥When working with composite TypeScript projects, this option provides a way to go back to the pre-3.7 behavior where d.ts files were used to as the boundaries between modules. In 3.7 the source of truth is now your TypeScript files.

                                                    # 增量 - incremental

                                                    告诉 TypeScript 将上次编译中有关项目图的信息保存到存储在磁盘上的文件中。这会在与编译输出相同的文件夹中创建一系列 .tsbuildinfo 文件。它们在运行时不会被 JavaScript 使用,可以安全删除。你可以在 3.4 发行说明 中阅读有关标志的更多信息。

                                                    ¥Tells TypeScript to save information about the project graph from the last compilation to files stored on disk. This creates a series of .tsbuildinfo files in the same folder as your compilation output. They are not used by your JavaScript at runtime and can be safely deleted. You can read more about the flag in the 3.4 release notes.

                                                    要控制要将文件构建到哪些文件夹,请使用配置选项 tsBuildInfoFile

                                                    ¥To control which folders you want to the files to be built to, use the config option tsBuildInfoFile.

                                                    # TS 构建信息文件 - tsBuildInfoFile

                                                    此设置允许你指定一个文件来存储增量编译信息作为复合项目的一部分,从而可以更快地构建更大的 TypeScript 代码库。你可以在 在手册中 中阅读有关复合项目的更多信息。

                                                    ¥This setting lets you specify a file for storing incremental compilation information as a part of composite projects which enables faster building of larger TypeScript codebases. You can read more about composite projects in the handbook.


                                                    ¥The default depends on a combination of other settings:

                                                    • 如果设置了 outFile,则默认值为 <outFile>.tsbuildinfo

                                                      ¥If outFile is set, the default is <outFile>.tsbuildinfo.

                                                    • 如果设置了 rootDiroutDir,则文件为 <outDir>/<relative path to config from rootDir>/<config name>.tsbuildinfo 例如,如果 rootDirsrcoutDirdest,配置为 ./tsconfig.json,则默认值为 ./tsconfig.tsbuildinfo,因为从 src/./tsconfig.json 的相对路径是 ../

                                                      ¥If rootDir and outDir are set, then the file is <outDir>/<relative path to config from rootDir>/<config name>.tsbuildinfo For example, if rootDir is src, outDir is dest, and the config is ./tsconfig.json, then the default is ./tsconfig.tsbuildinfo as the relative path from src/ to ./tsconfig.json is ../.

                                                    • 如果设置了 outDir,则默认值为 <outDir>/<config name>.tsbuildInfo

                                                      ¥If outDir is set, then the default is <outDir>/<config name>.tsbuildInfo

                                                    • 否则,默认值为 <config name>.tsbuildInfo

                                                      ¥Otherwise, the default is <config name>.tsbuildInfo


                                                    # 无错误截断 - noErrorTruncation


                                                    ¥Do not truncate error messages.

                                                    使用 false,默认值。

                                                    ¥With false, the default.

                                                    var x: {
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName1: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName2: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName3: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName4: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName5: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName6: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName7: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName8: string;
                                                    // String representation of type of 'x' should be truncated in error message
                                                    var s: string = x;
                                                    Type '{ propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName1: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName2: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName3: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName4: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName5: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName6: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName7: string; propert...' is not assignable to type 'string'.
                                                    Variable 'x' is used before being assigned.
                                                    Type '{ propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName1: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName2: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName3: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName4: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName5: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName6: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName7: string; propert...' is not assignable to type 'string'.
                                                    Variable 'x' is used before being assigned.

                                                    使用 true

                                                    ¥With true

                                                    var x: {
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName1: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName2: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName3: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName4: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName5: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName6: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName7: string;
                                                    propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName8: string;
                                                    // String representation of type of 'x' should be truncated in error message
                                                    var s: string = x;
                                                    Type '{ propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName1: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName2: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName3: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName4: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName5: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName6: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName7: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName8: string; }' is not assignable to type 'string'.
                                                    Variable 'x' is used before being assigned.
                                                    Type '{ propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName1: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName2: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName3: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName4: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName5: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName6: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName7: string; propertyWithAnExceedinglyLongName8: string; }' is not assignable to type 'string'.
                                                    Variable 'x' is used before being assigned.

                                                      # 保留监视输出 - preserveWatchOutput


                                                      ¥Whether to keep outdated console output in watch mode instead of clearing the screen every time a change happened.

                                                      • 内部

                                                      # 漂亮 - pretty

                                                      使用颜色和上下文对错误和消息进行样式化,默认情况下处于启用状态 - 为你提供了从编译器获得更简洁、单一颜色消息的机会。

                                                      ¥Stylize errors and messages using color and context, this is on by default — offers you a chance to have less terse, single colored messages from the compiler.

                                                      • 默认:



                                                      # 跳过默认库检查 - skipDefaultLibCheck

                                                      改用 skipLibCheck。跳过默认库声明文件的类型检查。

                                                      ¥Use skipLibCheck instead. Skip type checking of default library declaration files.

                                                        # 跳过库检查 - skipLibCheck


                                                        ¥Skip type checking of declaration files.

                                                        这可以节省编译时间,但会以类型系统准确性为代价。例如,两个库可以以不一致的方式定义同一个 type 的两个副本。TypeScript 不会对所有 d.ts 文件进行全面检查,而是会对你在应用源代码中特别引用的代码进行类型检查。

                                                        ¥This can save time during compilation at the expense of type-system accuracy. For example, two libraries could define two copies of the same type in an inconsistent way. Rather than doing a full check of all d.ts files, TypeScript will type check the code you specifically refer to in your app’s source code.

                                                        你可能考虑使用 skipLibCheck 的一个常见情况是当你的 node_modules 中有两个库类型的副本时。在这些情况下,你应该考虑使用 yarn 的解析度 之类的功能来确保你的树中只有一个该依赖的副本,或者研究如何通过了解依赖解析来确保只有一个副本,以便在不使用额外工具的情况下解决问题。

                                                        ¥A common case where you might think to use skipLibCheck is when there are two copies of a library’s types in your node_modules. In these cases, you should consider using a feature like yarn’s resolutions to ensure there is only one copy of that dependency in your tree or investigate how to ensure there is only one copy by understanding the dependency resolution to fix the issue without additional tooling.

                                                        另一种可能性是,当你在 TypeScript 版本之间迁移时,更改会导致 node_modules 和 JS 标准库出现故障,而你不想在 TypeScript 更新期间处理这些故障。

                                                        ¥Another possibility is when you are migrating between TypeScript releases and the changes cause breakages in node_modules and the JS standard libraries which you do not want to deal with during the TypeScript update.

                                                        请注意,如果这些问题来自 TypeScript 标准库,你可以使用 TypeScript 4.5 的 lib 替换 技术替换该库。

                                                        ¥Note, that if these issues come from the TypeScript standard library you can replace the library using TypeScript 4.5’s lib replacement technique.

                                                        • 推荐
                                                        • 版本:




                                                        TypeScript 3.8 发布了用于监视目录的新策略,这对于有效地获取对 node_modules 的更改至关重要。

                                                        ¥TypeScript 3.8 shipped a new strategy for watching directories, which is crucial for efficiently picking up changes to node_modules.

                                                        在 Linux 等操作系统上,TypeScript 在 node_modules 及其许多子目录中安装目录监视器(而不是文件监视器)以检测依赖的变化。这是因为可用的文件监视器的数量通常会被 node_modules 中的文件数量所掩盖,而要跟踪的目录要少得多。

                                                        ¥On operating systems like Linux, TypeScript installs directory watchers (as opposed to file watchers) on node_modules and many of its subdirectories to detect changes in dependencies. This is because the number of available file watchers is often eclipsed by the number of files in node_modules, whereas there are way fewer directories to track.

                                                        因为每个项目在不同的策略下可能会运行得更好,而这种新方法可能不适合你的工作流程,所以 TypeScript 3.8 引入了一个新的 watchOptions 字段,允许用户告诉编译器/语言服务应该使用哪些监视策略来跟踪文件和目录。

                                                        ¥Because every project might work better under different strategies, and this new approach might not work well for your workflows, TypeScript 3.8 introduces a new watchOptions field which allows users to tell the compiler/language service which watching strategies should be used to keep track of files and directories.

                                                        # 假设更改仅影响直接依赖 - assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies

                                                        启用此选项后,TypeScript 将避免重新检查/重建所有真正可能受影响的文件,而仅重新检查/重建已更改的文件以及直接导入它们的文件。

                                                        ¥When this option is enabled, TypeScript will avoid rechecking/rebuilding all truly possibly-affected files, and only recheck/rebuild files that have changed as well as files that directly import them.

                                                        这可以被认为是监视算法的 ‘快速而松散’ 实现,它可以大大减少增量重建时间,但代价是必须偶尔运行完整构建才能获取所有编译器错误消息。

                                                        ¥This can be considered a ‘fast & loose’ implementation of the watching algorithm, which can drastically reduce incremental rebuild times at the expense of having to run the full build occasionally to get all compiler error messages.


                                                        ¥Watch Options

                                                        你可以配置 TypeScript --watch 的工作方式。本节主要用于处理 fs.watchfs.watchFile 具有额外约束的情况,例如在 Linux 上。你可以在 配置监视 中阅读更多内容。

                                                        ¥You can configure the how TypeScript --watch works. This section is mainly for handling case where fs.watch and fs.watchFile have additional constraints like on Linux. You can read more at Configuring Watch.

                                                        # 监视文件 - watchFile


                                                        ¥The strategy for how individual files are watched.

                                                        • fixedPollingInterval:以固定间隔每秒检查每个文件是否有更改。

                                                          ¥fixedPollingInterval: Check every file for changes several times a second at a fixed interval.

                                                        • priorityPollingInterval:每秒检查每个文件是否有更改,但使用启发式方法检查某些类型的文件的频率要低于其他文件。

                                                          ¥priorityPollingInterval: Check every file for changes several times a second, but use heuristics to check certain types of files less frequently than others.

                                                        • dynamicPriorityPolling:使用动态队列,其中修改频率较低的文件将较少被检查。

                                                          ¥dynamicPriorityPolling: Use a dynamic queue where less-frequently modified files will be checked less often.

                                                        • useFsEvents(默认值):尝试使用操作系统/文件系统的原生事件进行文件更改。

                                                          ¥useFsEvents (the default): Attempt to use the operating system/file system’s native events for file changes.

                                                        • useFsEventsOnParentDirectory:尝试使用操作系统/文件系统的原生事件来监听文件父目录的更改

                                                          ¥useFsEventsOnParentDirectory: Attempt to use the operating system/file system’s native events to listen for changes on a file’s parent directory

                                                        • 允许:
                                                          • fixedpollinginterval

                                                          • prioritypollinginterval

                                                          • dynamicprioritypolling

                                                          • fixedchunksizepolling

                                                          • usefsevents

                                                          • usefseventsonparentdirectory

                                                        • 版本:


                                                        # 监视目录 - watchDirectory


                                                        ¥The strategy for how entire directory trees are watched under systems that lack recursive file-watching functionality.

                                                        • fixedPollingInterval:以固定间隔每秒检查每个目录是否有更改。

                                                          ¥fixedPollingInterval: Check every directory for changes several times a second at a fixed interval.

                                                        • dynamicPriorityPolling:使用动态队列,其中修改频率较低的目录将较少被检查。

                                                          ¥dynamicPriorityPolling: Use a dynamic queue where less-frequently modified directories will be checked less often.

                                                        • useFsEvents(默认值):尝试使用操作系统/文件系统的原生事件进行目录更改。

                                                          ¥useFsEvents (the default): Attempt to use the operating system/file system’s native events for directory changes.

                                                        • 允许:
                                                          • usefsevents

                                                          • fixedpollinginterval

                                                          • dynamicprioritypolling

                                                          • fixedchunksizepolling

                                                        • 版本:


                                                        # 后备轮询 - fallbackPolling


                                                        ¥When using file system events, this option specifies the polling strategy that gets used when the system runs out of native file watchers and/or doesn’t support native file watchers.

                                                        • fixedPollingInterval:以固定间隔每秒检查每个文件是否有更改。

                                                          ¥fixedPollingInterval: Check every file for changes several times a second at a fixed interval.

                                                        • priorityPollingInterval:每秒检查每个文件是否有更改,但使用启发式方法检查某些类型的文件的频率要低于其他文件。

                                                          ¥priorityPollingInterval: Check every file for changes several times a second, but use heuristics to check certain types of files less frequently than others.

                                                        • dynamicPriorityPolling:使用动态队列,其中修改频率较低的文件将较少被检查。

                                                          ¥dynamicPriorityPolling: Use a dynamic queue where less-frequently modified files will be checked less often.

                                                        • synchronousWatchDirectory:禁用目录上的延迟监视。当可能同时发生大量文件更改时,延迟监视很有用(例如,node_modules 中的更改来自运行 npm install),但你可能希望使用此标志禁用它以进行一些不太常见的设置。

                                                          ¥synchronousWatchDirectory: Disable deferred watching on directories. Deferred watching is useful when lots of file changes might occur at once (e.g. a change in node_modules from running npm install), but you might want to disable it with this flag for some less-common setups.

                                                        • 允许:
                                                          • fixedinterval

                                                          • priorityinterval

                                                          • dynamicpriority

                                                          • fixedchunksize

                                                        • 版本:


                                                        # 同步监视目录 - synchronousWatchDirectory


                                                        ¥Synchronously call callbacks and update the state of directory watchers on platforms that don`t support recursive watching natively. Instead of giving a small timeout to allow for potentially multiple edits to occur on a file.

                                                        "watchOptions": {

                                                          # 排除目录 - excludeDirectories

                                                          你可以使用 excludeFiles 大幅减少在 --watch 期间监视的文件数量。这是一种减少 TypeScript 在 Linux 上跟踪的打开文件数量的有用方法。

                                                          ¥You can use excludeFiles to drastically reduce the number of files which are watched during --watch. This can be a useful way to reduce the number of open file which TypeScript tracks on Linux.

                                                          "watchOptions": {
                                                          "": ["**/node_modules", "_build", "temp/*"]

                                                            # 排除文件 - excludeFiles

                                                            你可以使用 excludeFiles 从监视的文件中删除一组特定文件。

                                                            ¥You can use excludeFiles to remove a set of specific files from the files which are watched.

                                                            "watchOptions": {
                                                            "": ["temp/file.ts"]


                                                              ¥Type Acquisition

                                                              类型获取仅对 JavaScript 项目很重要。在 TypeScript 项目中,你需要在项目中明确包含类型。但是,对于 JavaScript 项目,TypeScript 工具将在后台和 node_modules 文件夹之外下载模块的类型。

                                                              ¥Type Acquisition is only important for JavaScript projects. In TypeScript projects you need to include the types in your projects explicitly. However, for JavaScript projects, the TypeScript tooling will download types for your modules in the background and outside of your node_modules folder.

                                                              # 启用 - enable

                                                              禁用 JavaScript 项目中的自动类型获取:

                                                              ¥Disables automatic type acquisition in JavaScript projects:

                                                              "typeAcquisition": {
                                                              "enable": false

                                                                # 包括 - include

                                                                如果你有一个 JavaScript 项目,其中 TypeScript 需要额外的指导来理解全局依赖,或者已禁用通过 disableFilenameBasedTypeAcquisition 的内置推断。

                                                                ¥If you have a JavaScript project where TypeScript needs additional guidance to understand global dependencies, or have disabled the built-in inference via disableFilenameBasedTypeAcquisition.

                                                                你可以使用 include 指定应从 DefinitelyTyped 中使用哪些类型:

                                                                ¥You can use include to specify which types should be used from DefinitelyTyped:

                                                                "typeAcquisition": {
                                                                "include": ["jquery"]

                                                                # 排除 - exclude

                                                                提供用于禁用 JavaScript 项目中某个模块的类型获取的配置。这对于在测试基础架构中包含主应用中不需要的其他库的项目很有用。

                                                                ¥Offers a config for disabling the type-acquisition for a certain module in JavaScript projects. This can be useful for projects which include other libraries in testing infrastructure which aren’t needed in the main application.

                                                                "typeAcquisition": {
                                                                "exclude": ["jest", "mocha"]

                                                                # 禁用基于文件名的类型获取 - disableFilenameBasedTypeAcquisition

                                                                TypeScript 的类型获取可以根据项目中的文件名推断应添加哪些类型。这意味着,如果项目中有像 jquery.js 这样的文件,就会自动从 DefinitelyTyped 下载 JQuery 的类型。

                                                                ¥TypeScript’s type acquisition can infer what types should be added based on filenames in a project. This means that having a file like jquery.js in your project would automatically download the types for JQuery from DefinitelyTyped.

                                                                你可以通过 disableFilenameBasedTypeAcquisition 禁用此功能。

                                                                ¥You can disable this via disableFilenameBasedTypeAcquisition.

                                                                "typeAcquisition": {
                                                                "disableFilenameBasedTypeAcquisition": true